Chapter 189

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    I looked sideways at Phantom. Phantom was pretty upset because I destroyed and ripped his bag of white powder, so he moved slowly. "I still don't get why you had to do that..." He grumbled and I laughed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Drugs aren't good for you, kid," I said and Phantom raised an eyebrow at me, giving me a weird look.

    "Kid? I AM OLDER THAN YOU-" He said and I laughed, doing a spin in midair for dramatics. "Well, you don't act like it." I teased and he groaned. He disappeared and I knew exactly what he was going to do. I spun around and grabbed his hand as he tried to snatch my sword.

    "Not today, nerd," I said and I pushed him away. He groaned and glared at me. "How are you so good?!" He said and I grinned. My ear twitched and he nodded. "Of course being a piglin hybrid gives you cool abilities." He muttered and I laughed. "Stop sulking and move quickly," I said and he groaned but nodded.

    "My name is Angel and I am one of us." A voice said and I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I said and another voice started speaking. "My name is Ava and I am one of us." Another voice said. "My name is Solitary Corivd and I am one of us." Another voice said and I rolled my eyes.

    "Okay, what's happening," I said, but they ignored me. "My name is Rose and I am one of us." A voice chimed in. "My name is Nika and I am one of us." A voice chanted. "My name is Alastrais and I am one of us." A voice said happily. "My name is Tobias and I am one of us." A voice said cheerfully. "My name is Chip and I am one of us." A voice said. "E." A voice said randomly. Soon they were all saying their names and then saying they were one of us, whatever that meant.

    A while later, they started chanting "ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" again. "Chat, what are you on?" I said, jumping on another rooftop. The voices continued talking and I sighed, deciding to tune them out until I heard a voice say something.

"Once a voice, always a voice."


    Everyone stared at the door. "How are we going to steal a door," Tommy said and Ender sighed. "I'll take care of it." He muttered, motioning for Benson to get down. Benson reluctantly hopped down and Ender walked forward and put his hand on the door while Clementine kept it in the air. Then a small warping sound and a burst of purple particles, and he was gone.

    "Where did he go?" Bee asked. "Probably our apartment," Tommy said and Bee nodded, bending down to pick up Benson. Tommy gently grabbed Clementine and a while later, Ender reappeared, looking exhausted.

    "THE DOOR ALMOST FELL ON MY TOES!" He yelled and Tommy laughed. "Serves you right!" Tommy said and Bee punched his arm. "Be nice! Oh, and I got something for you, Tommy!" Bee said and Tommy looked sideways at Bee.

    "What is it?" Tommy asked and Bee nodded, putting his bag down. He unzipped it and dug in it for a while, finally pulling out what he was looking for. He zipped the bag up and put it back on, then turned to Tommy so Tommy could see what was in his hand. Tommy's face dropped when he saw what was in his hands. 

    A headband that had raccoon ears attached to it and a belt that had a raccoon tail attached to it. "I AM NOT WEARING THAT!" Tommy yelled in horror, jumping back away from Bee. Bee grinned. "Yes, you are." He said, coming closer with the headband and belt, making Tommy back away further.

    "It fits you! You like stealing, so if you were a hybrid, you would probably be a raccoon. You act like one." He muttered the last sentence and Tommy shook his head. "I AM NOT A FURRY! AND I DO NOT PLAN ON BECOMING ONE!" Tommy yelled, shutting his eyes and Bee sighed.

    "Plus, it has benefits~" He added, and Tommy slowly opened one eye. "Like what?" Tommy said and Bee grinned, knowing he had Tommy's attention. "The headband increases your hearing ability because it has earpieces attached to it," Bee said, holding the items out to Tommy, who thought about it and ended up taking it with a flushed face.

    "F-Fine!" he stuttered, his face red. "But only for the benefits!" He said and Bee grinned. "Okay, Tommy," Bee said, and Tommy turned away and took his hood off to put the headband on and snapped the belt onto his pants. When he turned around, Bee laughed, Ender smirked, and Tommy already knew he was about to make a remark on his new accessories.


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