Chapter 134

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    "When will they be ready?" I asked as I watched the person continue to work. They jumped at the sound of my voice and gave their response. "I-I d-don't exactly k-know s-sir... Maybe i-in two or t-three days?" The person said, and I felt rage bubble up inside of me. "MAYBE?! I WANT THESE DONE BEFORE THE FESTIVAL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!?" I yelled, and they nodded in fear. "O-of course sir!" They said, and I scoffed. I turned around and walked in a different direction. I started grinning as I got lost in my thoughts.

"Watch out, heroes."


    Mama started laughing as she watched the flame. Then she moved the match so now the flame was only a few centimetres away from the tip of my nose. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to move away from the flame. She grinned at me.

    "What, are you scared?" She said with a laugh. I wanted to spit in her face and I glared at her with anger. "You know, if your Papa loved you, you wouldn't still be here. You would be at a hospital or back at your house." Mama said with a smirk. "You know what that means." She said, the smirk still on her stupid face.

    "Your Papa doesn't love you anymore!" She said, then burst into laughter. I felt tears well up in my eyes and blinked furiously to try to stop them from coming out. "Georgiana, he's given up on you!" She said and removed the match. I closed my eyes in relief. "But I haven't." She said with a grin.

    "You know, if you leave your stupid Papa behind, you can be with me! I'll take very good care of you... I won't torture you anymore..." She said as she blew the match out. She reached her hand out and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "You could be my perfect little daughter!" She said, and I scoffed.

     "And you would have to leave this... nonsense behind." She said as she wrinkled her nose in disgust. I looked away from her, and I could tell she didn't like that. "You know, it is very rude to not look at someone when they are talking." She said as she put her hand on the side of my face and turned it so I was now looking at her.

    "Darling, what can I do to prove that your Papa doesn't care? Look, if he did, he would have saved you by now." Mama said. The tear that I was trying to hold back finally fell. When the first tear fell, it was like it opened up a passage. Now tears were streaming down my face as I cried. No sound came out though because my mouth was still sewn shut.

    "Aww, baby don't cry..." She murmured as she gently put her hands on my face and wiped my tears away. She looked at me with a smile, then got up. She kissed my forehead, then walked away to leave me alone with my thoughts. I was now crying freely. My head was swarming with thoughts, but one of them stood out the most.

"Does Papa still love me?"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now