Chapter 133

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    Ranboo's eyes widened as Tubbo leaned over. "What happened?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Ranboo looked at Tubbo. "Nothing! Just go back to what you were doing, Bo." Ranboo said with a smile that Tommy couldn't see. Tubbo nodded and smiled back.

    "Okay, Boo," Tubbo replied and then his head went out of the camera's view. Tommy stuck his tongue out in disgust. "Blegh." He said as he shook his head. Ranboo rolled his eyes and switched the camera to the back view so Tubbo was now in view. Tubbo's head was on Ranboo's lap as he scrolled through his phone.

    Ranboo then switched the camera back and Tommy knew he was smirking under his mask. Tommy glared at him and then switched to Discord so he could talk to him without Tubbo knowing. He started texting as Clementine hovered over his shoulder.

    "Okay I'll definitely pick a cake up from the cafe and I'll bring Purpled. I've got to do something at the cafe anyways... Do you think you can take care of decorations?" Tommy sent. Tommy watched as Ranboo read it, and then he nodded. "I think so..." He muttered, and Tommy grinned.

    "Alright, thanks, bossman!" Tommy said, and Ranboo nodded. "Alright, bye Tommy!" Ranboo said, and then hung up. Tommy let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair and started spinning. "The potion genuinely did have an effect on Tubbo, he truly is remarkable." Clementine thought out loud, and Tommy nodded with a smile. "That's my best friend." He said with a grin.

    "Well, I'll finish work quickly, then tell Purpled at lunch. As soon as I get off of work, I'll leave with Purpled and then go get some decorations. Then I'll get the cake, head home, and celebrate with Tubbo. And lastly, we'll all go patrol!" Tommy said, and Clementine hummed in agreement.

    "That is a very good plan, I must confess. But for you to get the plan to function, you must quickly complete your tasks foremost. You could complete most of them just in time for lunch, then head to lunch." Clementine said, and Tommy nodded.

    "Wait, what if I just used the vents instead of the elevator to get to the cafeteria?" Tommy said with a grin, then burst into laughter. "Tommy, that would cause you to be very suspicious, and you could possibly get kicked out." Clementine pointed out, and Tommy rolled his eyes.

    "Clem, everybody here wants me to be here. The SBI want to watch me for some reason, they think I'm being abused or something- They would never suspect that I'm an imposter!" Tommy said with a grin.  Clementine sighed.

    "Well, you do have a point... Alright, fine." Clementine muttered, and then floated over to the bookshelf. "By the way, do you intend to read any of these books? Some of these books are about war, and those are the most intriguing out of this selection." Clementine said as they looked at the titles of the books, then went back to the sofa and picked up the book they were reading before. Tommy thought for a while, then gave his response as he turned his chair toward his desk and started to work again.

"Maybe... We'll just see, Clementine..."

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