Chapter 130

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    I was walking towards my office when I saw Timothy's office. I thought why not and decided to check on him. I walked to his door and gently knocked on the door. I heard some sudden and muffled shuffling, and then a "Come in!".

    I opened the door and walked inside. I gave him a smile. "Hey, Timothy. How are you?" I asked as I closed the door behind me and sat down in the chair which was in front of his desk. "I'm good! How about you?" Timothy said cheerfully. I was a bit surprised. Usually, his cheerfulness was forced, but today it was genuine.

    "Well you're in a good mood." I said with a smile. Timothy nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am." He said with a smile. He straightened the stack of papers on his desk and looked at me. "Did you need anything?" He asked. I shook my head, then paused.

    "Just wanted to check in. Also I had a question." I said as I fidgeted with my hands. "Well, I'm doing pretty good. And the work is pretty easy too." Timothy said, and then he paused. "So what did you want to ask me?" He said, and I realised I was a bit nervous. I took a deep breath and started speaking.

"Well, you know TommyInnit, right?"


    Tommy heard a knock on the door, and Clementine immediately shrunk into the size of a crumb and zoomed away. Tommy asked Clementine if they were hiding, and they replied with a  "Yes.". Tommy nodded and looked at the door. "Come in!" Tommy said, and the door opened as Phantom walked inside. Tommy gave him a smile.

    "Hey, Timothy. How are you?" Phantom asked as he closed the door behind himself and sat down in the chair which was in front of my desk. "I'm good! How about you?" Tommy said cheerfully. Tommy watched as a look of surprise flashed on Phantom's face.

    "Well you're in a good mood," Phantom said with a smile. Tommy nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am," Tommy said with a smile. To be honest, Tommy didn't hate Phantom too much anymore. That didn't mean he didn't hate heroes though. "Did you need anything?" He asked. Phantom shook his head, then paused.

    "Just wanted to check in. Also I had a question," Phantom said. "Well, I'm doing pretty good. And the work is pretty easy too," Tommy said, and then he paused. "So what did you want to ask me?" Tommy said, and Tommy looked at Phantom carefully.

    "He appears a bit... anxious..." Clementine noted. Tommy nodded at Clementine's observation. "Well, you know TommyInnit, right?" Phantom asked. Tommy and Clementine immediately froze.

    "Wait... Tommy, it is alright. He has not uncovered who you really are." Clementine assured Tommy, and Tommy let out a sigh of relief. "Clem, what would I do without you?" Tommy thought with a smile. "Yeah... I gues we stay in contact with each other..." Tommy said. "Why?" Tommy asked. Phantom took a deep breath.

    "Well, could you transfer a message from me to him please?" Phantom asked, and Tommy nodded, a bit hesitant. "Clementine, what's going on-?" Tommy thought. Clementine laughed a bit. "Nothing bad, Tommy. Do not be worried." Clementine assured Tommy. Tommy nodded and gave Phantom a small smile which Phantom hesitantly returned. "Uhm..." Phantom started.

"Could you ask him if he wants to patrol with me tonight?"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now