Chapter 102

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    "Also, Bee gave me a map where Fundy could be." Tommy said. "Fundy?" Ender asked. "That's his name. Also, did you know, THAT KID IS PHANTOM'S SON?!!?" Purpled said, and Ender's eyes widened. "You're kidding." Bee said from everyone's earpiece.

    "Nope, we're not. That's the whole reason Blade called the meeting. To find the kid. And what's more, his crazy mother cut his ears and tail off." Tommy said. "Oh my God... poor kid..." Bee said. Everyone then jumped to a high and large rooftop. "Everyone, stop moving for a second." Bee said and then started typing on his keyboard.

    "Alright, everyone head to Ender's left. It's on the outskirts of District 17 in that direction." Bee said, and Tommy smiled. "You are much appreciated, Bee." Clementine said out loud. Purpled froze.

    "There it is again... do you all hear it or is it just me?" Purpled said. Not even a second later, someone landed behind everyone. Tommy immediately whipped around and held his fists in front of him. "Who's there?" Ender said. "Chill, it's just me!" A woman's voice said, and Tommy slowly put his fists down.

    "Minx?!" Purpled said in shock. "Yeah, Nihachu got done with the costume a bit early, so I decided to come out a night before." Minx said, stepping closer. "Wow... she did a good job!" Ender said as he looked at Minx's costume. "I know, right!" Minx said happily. "Well, I'm sure Captain wouldn't mind us doing the practice patrol a day early." Tommy said with a grin.

    "Well then Minx, welcome to our team!" Ender said with a grin and held an earpiece out to Minx. Minx's smile became a grin and she happily took the earpiece and put it in her ear. "Hi, Minx!" Bee said suddenly, and Minx jumped a bit. "Oops, sorry!" Bee said, and Minx smiled. "No, it's fine!" Minx said with a smile.

    "So, what am I doing for my first patrol?" Minx said excitedly. "Well, we were just discussing something and I'm sure you can help. A day ago, we found a boy and his mother, but the boy looked scared out of his mind. The two then went away after a very short conversation, but before they left, the boy used sign language to say he needed help." Purpled explained. "And I think I have a possible location." Bee said. Minx nodded seriously. "So which direction are we heading in?" She asked.

    "Right in front of you." Bee said, and Minx nodded and walked to stand next to Purpled. "Well, should w-" Ender got cut off as he looked behind Tommy and his eyes widened. "What?" Purpled asked, and then his eyes widened too and Minx's jaw dropped. "Tommy... RU-" Clementine got cut off by Tommy turning around, and his eyes widened.

    Someone then lunged at him, and Tommy barely moved out of the way. "MINX, THIS IS YOUR FIRST PATROL, RIGHT?!!?" Tommy yelled as he dodged the attacks of whoever was attacking him. "YEAH-?" She yelled as she started trying to dodge the attacks of someone who was also attacking her.

    "Well, then time for your first lesson. RUN!" Tommy yelled as he ran to the edge of the building and jumped. Minx, Ender, and Purpled followed closely, and so did the attackers. "DID ANYONE SEE WHO THE HECK THESE PEOPLE ARE?!!?" Tommy yelled across his shoulder.

    Tommy jumped across a gap, and he felt someone almost grab him. "WAIT, WHAT'S HAPPENING-?!!?" Bee yelled. "I DID!" Ender yelled to Tommy. "WELL, THEN WHO THE FRICK WERE THEY?!!?" Tommy yelled as something whizzed past his ear.


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