Chapter 90

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    I snapped my notebook shut and hoped it worked. It had been a long time since I used it, and I didn't even know if it still worked like it used to. The voices in my head were all yelling, mostly about Fundy, and someone said something about a poisoned knife? Another voice said "District 17!", while another said something about a run-down building. "Keep it down, I'm trying to think." I muttered, but that only made them louder. I looked back at Wilbur to see he was stuck in a trance. Mum tried snapping him out of it, but it didn't work. I watched as his eyes widened and he started crying. "KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FUNDY! PLEASE!" He yelled as he started crying more.

    I turned away, not being able to look at Wilbur like this. I looked back to see Dad had finally snapped Wilbur out of his trance. I sighed and looked down at the notebook. "I wonder if I could reverse it..." I muttered in wonder, then shook my head. I looked outside to see the sun was rising. I immediately got an idea. "We should go to work, we'll probably be late if we don't leave now." I said to everyone. Wilbur looked at me with shock and anger.

     "My son is being tortured, he's close to death, AND ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS WORK?!!? HE'S YOUR NEPHEW! YOU BASTARD, WHAT TYPE OF AN UNCLE ARE YOU?! FUNDY IS CLOSE TO DEATH, AND YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT BEING LATE TO WORK?!" Wilbur yelled at me. I looked down, and the voices suddenly became very quiet. Dad, however, understood what I was planning, or at least I think he was. "Wilbur..." He said and placed a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. He looked at him with teary eyes, and my chest tightened.

    "I'm not saying that I don't care about Fundy, but we should go to work... Techno seems to have a plan, and we'll have to go to work to execute it." Dad said calmly. Wilbur seemed hesitant. "A plan to get F-Fundy back?" He said, and Dad nodded. "Yes, Wilbur. A plan to get Fundy back." Wilbur nodded, and Mum smiled a bit.

    "Don't worry Wilbur, we will get our Fundy back." Mum said as she hugged Wilbur. Wilbur was always closer to Mum, while I was closer to Dad. I looked out and decided I would change. I told everyone I would be right back and went to my room to get in my hero outfit. I came back a few minutes later and saw Phil also in his outfit. "Wilbur, are you ready?" I asked him, and Wilbur just phased through the wall and came back a moment later in his outfit. I smiled and nodded.

    "Let's go, then." I said. Mum smiled and everyone kissed her forehead, said goodbye, and left. Ph1LzA looked down at me as he flew, I jumped across the roofs, and Phantom just floated sadly. "So Techno, what's the plan?" Ph1LzA asked me, and I looked at Phantom, who suddenly was very interested in our conversation and floated next to me. I thought for a while, and the voices started up again.

    "DID YOU EVEN HAVE A PLAN-?!!?" One voice said. "You can't see me but I'm face-palming right now." A second voice said. "Techno L." A third voice said. "E." Another voice said. I sighed. "I do have a plan. Stop." I muttered to the voices, who quieted down eventually. Phantom kept on looking at me with curious eyes. I smiled at him and looked up for a split second at Ph1LzA.  Then I told them and the voices the first step of the plan.

"The first step of this plan is to call a huge meeting at headquarters."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now