Chapter 70

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    Tommy threw the bomb and watched as he and Phantom got engulfed in a thick cloud of smoke. "Now's my chance!" Tommy thought as he looked for a way to escape the thick cloud. "Tommy, can I offer my assistance?" Clementine asked, and Tommy nodded. "Sure, Clem!" Tommy said. "Well, all you need to do is hold onto me and I'll take care of the rest." Clementine said cheerfully.

    Tommy was curious, but he still did what Clementine said. "Ok, are you ready? I would prefer it if you made sure that you were holding onto me tightly." Clementine said, and Tommy said yes. "Ok then, here we go!" Clementine said. Tommy was yanked upwards into the air above him.

    A second later, he was flying. "W-WHA-?!!? HOW AM I FLYING?!!?" Tommy sputtered, and he tightened his grip on Clementine. "I am a magical and enchanted axe, Tommy." Clementine said, and he knew if Clementine was a human, they would have a grin on their face.

    "But I didn't know you could let other people fly!" Tommy said as he watched the rooftops go by so quickly it was a blur. "Let's just say I am an axe with many talents." Clementine said, and Tommy nodded as he looked at Clementine with astonishment sparkling in his eyes. "We need to go back to the apartment, correct?" Clementine asked. "Uhm, can we please first go to Niki and Bad's cafe first?" Tommy asked as he watched the view below him.

    They soon arrived outside of the cafe, and Tommy thanked Clementine for bringing him here. "Uhm, you might need to hide in my pocket..." Tommy whispered, but Clementine didn't object. They just asked for the reason. "Well, I didn't tell anybody at work about you yet... The only people who know are Ranboo and Tubbo." He whispered in case someone was listening to their conversation.

    "It is okay!" They said, and they grew smaller in size and flew into one of Tommy's belt pouches. "Thanks, Clem." Tommy said with a grin, and then he unlocked the cafe door. He came in through the back door. He walked in, trying his best to be quiet, and then he heard some scuffling. However, he ignored it and continued to walk.

    Then he got pushed against the wall. "Oh, shit-" Tommy thought as he realized what just happened. Someone had pinned him to the wall. He saw someone turn on the lights above them, and then Tommy was able to see the face of the person who pinned them against the wall.

    It was Niki. "Tommy? What are you doing?" Niki asked, and then she realized what she was doing. She immediately stepped back and covered her mouth. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I thought you were a thief or someone like that." She said, and Tommy smiled. "It's okay Niki! And I came by to grab a few slices of cake or a couple of muffins." Tommy said as he looked around.

    She nodded. "Are you ok? You keep on walking like your back is in pain." Niki asked with concern lacing her voice. "Now that I think about it, my back does feel weird... I didn't notice that before." Tommy muttered and Niki nodded. "Well, how about you go to the toilet and change out of your outfit. Then I'll see if you're hurt." Niki said, and Tommy nodded and headed towards the toilet. A moment later, he came out in his regular clothes.

    "How about you sit in this chair? I'll look at your back, then I'll give you some cake, ok?" Niki said, pointing to a chair. Tommy sat down and Niki came over. "I need to lift the back of your shirt, is that okay?" Niki asked, and Tommy smiled. "It's okay Niki!" Tommy said, and Niki let out a small sigh of relief.

    Niki usually switched from playing the role of a mother to the role of an elder sister. Currently, she was playing the role of a concerned mother, and it brought a smile to Tommy's face. "TOMMY WHAT HAPPENED?!!?" Niki screamed as she lifted his shirt. "Huh? What do you mean?" Tommy asked. "YOUR BACK IS COVERED IN BRUISES!" Niki screamed. "What?!!?" Tommy said. "But I didn't even notice..." Tommy muttered. "Well, you were probably focused on something else. And these bruises look like they came from something other than punches... Maybe a weapon?" She muttered the last part.

    "Well, I'll get some bandages and cake. I'll be right back." She said, then headed into the kitchen. Niki came back a while later, holding a plate of cake, a tube of cream, and a roll of gauze. "Now just stay still..." She muttered as she started to wrap Tommy up. After a while, she finished.

    "There! Now you can eat the cake." Niki said as she stepped back and admired her work. "Thanks, Niki!" Tommy said gratefully and reached for the plate. "Wait, you need to go to work tomorrow, right?" She asked, and Tommy nodded. "Before you go to work, come to me. I'll remove the gauze and your bruises should be healed because of the cake." She said, and Tommy nodded. "Well, as soon as you finish the cake, you're free to go! If you need anything, just come back, okay?"Niki asked, and Tommy nodded.

    Tommy finished his cake, said bye to Niki and left the cafe. "Well, that was something, huh?" Tommy muttered, and he let Clementine come out. "I assume so, Tommy." They said, and they started on their walk to the apartment. They soon reached the apartment and Clementine hid once again inside a pocket. They walked in and immediately went upstairs after saying hi to Puffy. He let Clementine out and went straight to his bedroom. Tommy threw himself onto his bed and immediately fell asleep. But not before two words escaped his mouth.

"Goodnight, Clementine."

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