Chapter 131

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    Tommy's eyes widened. "Wait, what?!" Tommy asked in shock. Phantom smiled a bit. "Well, I kind of wanted to patrol with him tonight... If he's not busy or anything, of course!" Phantom said, his cheeks a bit red from embarrassment. Tommy smiled.

    "Of course, I'll ask him! Also, is it just you or all of SBI?" Tommy asked. Phantom thought for a second and then gave his response. "Is it okay if we all come? He can bring his friends too if he wants to!" Phantom said. Tommy nodded and thought for a while.

    "He'll probably bring his friends. I don't know about Bee though, he usually stays at home. Or that's what Tommy told me." Timothy said. Phantom nodded. "Also, Ph1LzA, Blade, and I call ourselves SBI, do Tommy and his friends call each other anything? Like a group name or something like that." Phantom asked, and Tommy smiled. He pretended to think for a while, and then gave his answer.

    "They call themselves the Bench Trio. Because they literally met on a bench." Tommy said with a small laugh. Phantom smiled and nodded. "Not going to lie, that was clever." Phantom said as he looked up at the ceiling. "Well, you know that the festival is in two days, right?" Phantom said, and Tommy could feel Clementine get excited. Tommy nodded.

    "So do you know which parts of the festival are ready? I need to know so I can work on the things that need to be worked on." Phantom said. Tommy nodded and quickly picked up the pile of paper on his desk. He sorted through them then checked his laptop.

    "Well, all the decorations have been taken care of, but we're running a bit low on the food arrangements..." Tommy read. Phantom groaned. "Tommy?" Clementine asked. "Yeah?" Tommy responded.

    "What if you ask him if Niki and Bad can assist? I am pretty certain the two of them would love to assist us in preparations for the festival." Clementine suggested. Tommy's eyes widened. "Clementine, I love you so much, you are amazing and very poggers." Tommy thought and got a "Thank you!" from Clementine in response.

    "Phantom...?" Tommy started. "Yes, Timothy?" Phantom asked. "Well, you remember the cafe you would come to, right?" Tommy asked. "The cafe you used to work at?" Phantom confirmed. Tommy nodded.

    "Yeah, I remember it. Why?" Phantom asked. "What if Niki and Bad help? Bad makes really good muffins and Niki makes cakes and things like that." Tommy suggested, and crossed his fingers, hoping Clementine's idea worked.

    "That's... actually not a bad idea! Their food is amazing." Phantom thought. "Also, we've got the savory, spicy, and snacks part of the food arrangements done. All that's left is the sweet part. I'll ask Niki and Bad after I get off of work!" Tommy said happily. Phantom smiled.

    "You know, even though I met you some time ago, I feel like I've known you my whole life... I don't know why..." Phantom said. Tommy became confused. "What do you mean?" Tommy asked.

    "I... don't know. I just feel like I do. It's weird, I know." Phantom said with a small laugh at the end. Usually, Tommy would be disgusted at the thought of being close to Phantom, but then again, he didn't hate Phantom too much anymore. He was intrigued by Phantom's statement.

    "We've got refreshments covered too, by the way. So no need to worry about that. All that's left are the speeches that the heroes need to do." Tommy said as he read it off his laptop. Every year, the top three heroes would give a speech.

    "You and the rest of the SBI are the top three again this year, by the way." Tommy added. Phantom nodded and looked at the clock. "Thanks, Timothy!" Phantom said. "Well I better get going, I've got to prepare my speech and something else." Phantom said as he got up. Tommy nodded and smiled. "Bye Phantom!" Tommy said as he watched Phantom. Phantom went out of Tommy's office and smiled as he closed the door, but before he did he said goodbye.

"Bye Timothy!"

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