Chapter 119

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    I looked outside the window to see the sun was starting to rise. I narrowed my eyes. "The green stuff seemed like poison or venom... Chat, who is the best healer on our team?" I asked as I started making myself a cup of coffee, but my mind was fully on Fundy.

    "Purpled?" A voice suggested. "Foolish is pretty good..." Another said. "Foolish is a totem of undying, not a healer you massive idiot." A third one said. "But maybe he could heal people?" A fourth one said. "MUMZA!" A loud voice said. As soon as they said that, sounds of agreement filled my head.

    "Ok, quiet down. I can't think when you're so loud." I muttered as I took my cup and filled it with coffee. "But how will we get Mumza to heal Fundy?" I asked as I sat down at a table. "You think Mumza won't heal Fundy? Mumza, the best mother anyone could ask for, not healing her own grandson?" A voice said, causing me to spit out my coffee.

    "WHAT-?!!? NO-" I said as I coughed and wiped my mouth. "I think he meant how will we get Fundy to Mumza. Sally obviously has a tight grip on him." Another voice said. "The festival is in two days, right?" A third voice said. "I think so..." A fourth voice said.

    "Techno...?" A voice said. The voice sounded like a small child... how did they become a voice? I snapped out of my thoughts when I remembered they had called me. "Yeah?" I said as I took a sip of coffee. "When will Fundy come back?" The voice said, and I could hear the sadness in their voice. I sighed and looked out the window. The sun was higher now, almost half of it was up.

"I don't know..."


    I cried silently as Mama cut the thread off. "Beautiful... Smile!" Mama said as she whipped out her phone and walked beside me. She bent down and held up a piece sign as she held her phone out with her other hand. She smiled and turned to me. "Say cheese!" She said happily, and then she snapped a photo. She got up and twirled around as she held the phone to her chest.

    "Oooh, I'll send it to your papa! A lovely image to start his day, don't you think, Georgiana?" She said as she started doing something on her phone, probably sending the picture to Papa. "Wait... she's sending a picture of me to Papa..." I thought, and then it hit me.

    "No, no, no!" I thought as more tears started rolling down my cheeks as I tried to get out of the chair. "Papa lost me once, then he lost me again this night, he'll be heartbroken if he sees the picture!" I thought, and Mama scoffed as she looked up at me.

    "Can you kindly shut the actual heck up and keep still? I can't think." She said. "MY MOUTH IS LITERALLY SEWN SHUT, YOU ILLITERATE IDIOT-" I thought, and that made me laugh a bit. There were a lot of books at home, so I knew a lot of words. Then I saw Mama grin and show her phone to me as her finger hovered over a button. It was a text saying "Look at us! Don't you consider us as your favourite two girls in the entire world? <3" with an image of us attached to it.

    "Don't. You. Dare." I said with a look, and her sadly being my biological mother, she kind of understood the rage in my eyes. "Aww, is Papa's spoiled brat getting angry? No worries, I've got a solution to shut you up and teach you a lesson." She said with a smirk. "NO!" I tried to yell, but it came out muffled.

She clicked the send button.

&quot;If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t.&quot; // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now