Chapter 98

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    "Get billzoned! Your mother called me on her cellphone! (Hello?) She got my voice as her ringtone! Sk-skeleton king got a big throne. These muppets got sent to the ozone! (yeah) Married to the grind you've just got friend-zoned! (meow) Flowbillieshit!" My phone rang. I smiled at my ringtone, and then picked it up.

    "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Purpled! Do you want to come over to my place? I've got some hot tea to spill." Tommy's voice said. I grinned. "Did you just say... tea?" I asked. "Count me in!" I said, and I knew Tommy was also smiling. "Oh, and we get off in five, so just meet me on the first floor." Tommy said, and I nodded. "Ok! I'll meet you soon then." I said, then hung up.

    I turned off my computer and got up from my chair. I stretched, then left my office and closed the door behind me. I entered the elevator and was warmly greeted by Sam Nook. "Why hello, Purpled! How was your day?" Sam Nook asked as we started going down. "Pretty good! How about you?" I asked. "I can say the same. It looks like your floor is here!" Sam Nook said, and the doors opened. I smiled, thanked Sam Nook, left, and looked around for Tommy.

    I found him by the doors and I ran over to him. "Ok, I'm here now. Spill." I said, and Tommy grinned. "So you know how Ranboo acts a bit weird when he's around Tubbo?" Tommy asked as we left the headquarters and headed towards the train station. I nodded. "Yeah. What about it?" I asked. "Well, you won't believe what Ranboo told me this morning." Tommy said with a snicker. "What?" I said, getting a bit excited.

    "Well, he's planning to platonically propose to Tubbo!" Tommy said excitedly. My eyes widened in shock as we sat down on a seat on the train. "PROPOSE?!!?" I asked in shock. We got weird looks from the passengers around us, and I felt my face heat up a bit in embarrassment. "Sorry!" I said sheepishly, and Tommy laughed. The passenger beside us nodded and went back to reading a newspaper.

    "Yeah. And he's going to propose today, so we had to be there." Tommy said. I nodded, and then we started talking about other things as we waited for our stop. "Wait... you said he asked you for a way to propose, right?" I asked Tommy, and Tommy nodded. "So what did you tell him?" I asked, and Tommy grinned.

    "Oh, you will have to wait for that." He said with a grin. I nodded, a bit confused. Our stop came, and we practically bolted off the train and to the apartment. We got there in around seven minutes, and we ran upstairs to our apartment, Tommy opened the door and looked around. We saw Ranboo sitting on the couch with a plate in front of him.

    Ranboo looked up when he heard the door open, and his eyes widened. "I was waiting for you two! I can't do it alone, please help-" Ranboo stammered, and Tommy smiled. "Relax, bossman. It'll be alright. You rehearsed what you were going to tell him?" Tommy asked. Ranboo gulped and nodded. "Then it will be fine! Trust me, I've known Tubbo for a long time. He won't say no." Tommy reassured Ranboo. Ranboo smiled and nodded.

    "Thanks, Tommy." Ranboo said, and Tommy smiled. "No problem, bossman!" Tommy said proudly. "You'll be fine, Ranboo." I said with a smile. Ranboo nodded, and then looked at the ring which was in his hand. He then got up and headed towards Tubbo's room. We followed him and watched him gulp and knock on Tubbo's door. We heard Tubbo reply, which only made Ranboo more nervous.

"Come in!"

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