Chapter 111

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    "Breathe, Tubbo! It will be alright, just breathe!" I heard Clementine say. I tried speaking, but all that came out was a gurgle due to the amount of blood in my mouth and throat. Ranboo frantically shoved another paper towel in my mouth. I tried to take in a deep breath, but my eyes widened when I realized I couldn't.

    "I-I-I CAN'T BREATHE!" I screamed as I frantically tried to breathe. I heard Tommy say some curse words as he panicked and tried rubbing my back, but that backfired. I screamed in pain as soon as he made contact with my back.

    "FRICK, TUBBO I AM SO SORRY!" Tommy said as Clementine tried to comfort me. "Purpled is almost here now, come on Tubbo, attempt breathing slowly!" Clementine said out loud as I heard our apartment door slam open, and two panicked pairs of feet rushed toward us.

    I saw my focus going in and out, and I started panicking more. Clementine immediately zoomed out of sight and hid somewhere. I heard some frantic yelling, but I couldn't make out the words. However, Clementine's voice was clear in my head.

"Everything will be alright, Tubbo."


    Tommy looked up and was immediately grateful when he saw it was Purpled and Puffy. "W-We don't know what to do, he's terrible right now, and it has spread so much more-" Ranboo sputtered, and Puffy nodded.

    "Good thing I brought this then." Purpled said as he held up a first aid kit. "Oh god... I knew it was bad but not this bad..." Puffy muttered as her eyes widened in horror. "Can he even walk?!" Purpled said, and Tommy frantically shook his head no as Tubbo started coughing up more blood.

    "His back is really sensitive, if something barely touches it he starts screaming." Ranboo said as he nervously squeezed his hands. Puffy nodded as she bent down to Tubbo's level. "Hey, can you hear me Tubs?" Puffy said gently. Tubbo didn't respond, but a while later he nodded his head.

    "It looked like he needed a lot of strength just to nod..." Tommy thought as he bit his lip nervously. Tommy heard the window in the living room quickly open and he immediately stiffened as he listened to the sound. The window closed and soon, someone burst into the bathroom.

    "IS TUBBO OK?!!?" Quackity's voice said, and Tommy let out a sigh of relief. "No, he's no- Wait how did you even get here and how did you know about Tubbo?!" Tommy said, and Quackity stepped closer to Tubbo.

    "It felt like something happened to Tubbo, so I came here as soon as I could. I guess it's father's senses or something." Quackity said. "Great, you're here too, that makes it a lot better. Should we take Tubbo to his room, or...?" Puffy said, and Ranboo opened the door behind him.

    "His room is the closest right now... but how will we take him there?" Ranboo said, and Purpled slapped his forehead. "Shoot, you're right..." Purpled said as he started thinking. "Which one of you is the st-" Tommy got cut off by Quackity.

    "I've got it! Everyone, step out of the bathroom for a second." Quackity said as his face lit up. Tommy nodded and stepped out, followed by Ranboo, Puffy, and Purpled. Tommy then turned around and looked at what Quackity was doing.

    Quackity stepped closer to Tubbo and moved his hair out of his face. He said something that Tommy couldn't hear, then lightly placed a platonic kiss on Tubbo's forehead. Then Tommy's jaw dropped when he saw what Quackity did.

Quackity shapeshifted into a stretcher.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now