Chapter 162

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    Aimsey looked at him sceptically. "Uh-huh. Okay." She said and noticed the glint in Tommy's eye. "So, uh, you got a plan?" She asked, and Tommy nodded with a grin. "Yup." He said. He looked around on the floor and paused.

    "Hey, can you do me a favour?" Tommy asked. Aimsey nodded. "Sure-! What is it?" She asked, and Tommy looked up at the vent, then back at her. "Could you hold me up to that vent?" He asked, and Aimsey's eyes lit up as she caught on to the plan and she nodded. "Got it." She said, and walked over to Tommy and picked him up while holding onto his waist.

    "Could you hold me up on your shoulders? The vent's really high." Tommy asked, and she nodded. She let go of Tommy and walked in front of him. She sat on the floor and bent herself forward. "Get on." She said, and Tommy grinned and climbed onto her back. "Thanks." He said with a grin, and Aimsey nodded.

    "No problem." She said, and Tommy could hear the grin in her voice. Aimsey slowly stood up and now Tommy's feet were on Aimsey's shoulders. Tommy reached up to the vent and smirked when he realised the bolts were loose. He unscrewed the bolts with his fingers and took off the vent screen as a passage was revealed.

    The passage was big enough for Tommy to comfortably crawl through. "I'm gonna climb through first, and then I'll help you up," Tommy said, and Aimsey shook her head. "I'm too short." She said sadly. "Wait, what do you mean?" Tommy said as he looked down at her. She looked up at him sadly and said something which made Tommy's heart drop.

"I won't be able to escape."


    Niki set a slice of cake in front of me with a cup of tea. I looked at the cake, then back at her, and she smiled. "You still remembered..? After all these years?" I asked, the shock barely audible in my usually monotone voice, but it was still there. Niki laughed and nodded.

    "Techno, you're my best friend! Of course, I remembered your favourite cake flavour!" She said happily, and I smiled. "Wow," I mumbled, then took a bit of the cake, and my eyes widened. "Oh my god, Niki, this is so good!" I said, shocked. Niki smiled.

    "Thanks!" She said, and I took one bite after another. I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my body and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Niki, what did you put in here?" I asked her and her eyes widened slightly. "N-Nothing!" She said quickly, and I rolled my eyes. "Niki, you are a terrible liar." I said with a small laugh, and she scoffed jokingly.

    "Only when I need to be." She muttered, but I heard her. "What? I couldn't hear you." I said, and she jumped a bit. "I said nothing!" She said quickly. I just hummed and went back to eating the cake. We talked for a bit and caught up on everything we had missed.

    Most of all though, we made up for all the time we had missed. After I left the cafe after promising to return next week, I smiled to myself as I replayed everything in my head. After our conversation, one thing was clear.

Through all these years, Niki hadn't changed one bit.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now