Chapter 164

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    Tommy crawled through the vents and turned around a corner. He looked down and saw a small office through the small opening in the vent. He watched as the door opened and someone walked in and sat down in the chair.

    Tommy immediately backed up and tried to be silent. He crawled back the way he came and soon he came into an intersection. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "Do you require some assistance?" Clementine said, and Tommy nodded. "Yes!" He said. Clementine didn't respond and Tommy rolled his eyes.

    "Yes, please." He said, and Clementine laughed. "Oh, I bet you feel so smug right now-" Tommy said, and Clementine responded. "Yes. Yes, I do." Clementine said, and Tommy rolled his eyes again but the ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

    "Okay... proceed right then turn left." They said, and Tommy nodded and mumbled thanks. He did as they instructed him to, and was faced with another intersection. "Forward, then left," Clementine said, and Tommy moved where they told him to. With Clementine telling him instructions and him following, they soon arrived at a dead end.

    "Wait what do we do now?! It's a dead end, Clem!" Tommy said as he looked at the vent in front of him. Unlike the other vents he had come across, this was right in front of him. The others were usually under him.

    "Now you remove the vent," Clementine said, and Tommy did what they told him to but he was still a bit unsure. He unscrewed it with his fingers and his mouth dropped open when he realised what he was looking at. He was looking outside. "Clem, you're a genius!" Tommy said happily as he crawled forward and looked down. "I know, right!" They said happily. It was about a ten-foot drop to the ground below but Tommy knew he could do it. Then realisation hit him.

    "Clem, this is a prison." He said. "Yes?" They responded. "There's probably cameras everywhere! How would I be able to get out without being seen?!" He muttered. "Tommy, think about who you're talking to. There were approximately a hundred different vents I could have selected to escape. Do you truly believe I would dismiss the cameras?" They asked. Tommy thought about it for a second. "So what's so special about this vent?" He asked.

   "Oh, Tommy..." Clementine started. "It's a blind spot. The cameras will not be capable of seeing you as you escape." Clementine said with a hint of pride in their voice. Tommy's mouth dropped open. "How did you know that?!" Tommy asked in shock.

   "Really, Tommy?" Clementine said, and Tommy rolled his eyes jokingly. "Let me guess, another one of your many talents?" He asked. "You guessed it!" They said happily. "Knew it," Tommy said with a small smile as he crawled forward and off the edge. he spun around quickly and grabbed the ledge. "I have to screw the vent back in or else they'll be suspicious..." He mumbled.

    "Open your pocket quickly," Clementine said and Tommy hung on with one hand and unbuttoned his pocket with the other. Clementine flew out and grew in size. They floated right under him and nudged him slightly.

    "Let go of the ledge, Tommy." They said, and when they sensed his hesitation, they said "Trust me. I know what I am doing." They said reassuringly. Tommy winced and let go. As promised, Clementine caught him as if they were a hoverboard. After the shock faded, Tommy grinned.

    "Thanks, Clem," Tommy said and quickly grabbed the vent and screwed it back in. "No problem!" They said. "Okay, I'm gonna jump now, shrink to your tiny form again," Tommy said as he got ready to jump. Clementine obeyed and shrunk down till they were the size of Tommy's fingernail after he jumped off.

    Tommy opened his pocket and Clementine flew in quickly. Tommy grinned and ran towards the exit which surprisingly didn't have anyone guarding it. Tommy let out a small cheer as he passed the exit.

Tommy had successfully escaped prison.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt