Chapter 112

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    Tommy's jaw dropped as he stared at Stretcher-Quackity. "OH MY GOD, BIG Q, YOU ARE A GENIUS!" Tommy yelled as he grinned. Stretcher-Quackity grew a mouth and smiled back. "Thanks, but someone should get Tubbo to sit on me. He won't be able to lay down, so make him sit." Stretcher-Quackity said, and then he grew a pair of eyes too.

    "On it. Purpled, help me please." Ranboo said as Stretcher-Quackity rolled out of the way. Purpled nodded and rushed to help Ranboo and Tubbo. It took some time, but together, they ted Tubbo up. Tubbo smiled weakly and thanked them. "Wait, Ranboo why didn't you teleport Tubbo?" Puffy asked, and Ranboo looked at her for a brief second.

    "If I teleport someone, they can get really dizzy because they aren't used to it. Plus, they could get motion sickness or something like that, even if it was a short distance to teleport. I didn't want Tubbo getting more sick, so I didn't teleport him." Ranboo explained, and Puffy nodded.

    Purpled and Ranboo carefully placed Tubbo onto Stretcher-Quackity, who smiled up at Tubbo. An arm grew out of Stretcher-Quackity, and he held Tubbo's hand comfortingly. The scene was weird and definitely hilarious, but the worry overruled the laughter.

    Stretcher-Quackity then rolled into Tubbo's bedroom and everyone followed. Purpled said something to Puffy, who nodded and gave him another first aid kit and something else. "Ranboo and Puffy, could you guys leave for a minute? I need some space if that's ok." Purpled said with a small smile, and Ranboo and Puffy nodded and went out. Purpled closed the door.

    "Uhm, you know what, I don't have time for this. Quackity, you're about to see something, but you can't tell anyone, and when I say anyone, I mean not a single soul. Actually..." Purpled said, and then he snapped his fingers. "I'll have to get Ranboo to take care of that." Purpled muttered, and then pulled out a cloth.

    "Tubbo, don't freak out, but I'm going to need to put a blindfold on you, ok?" Purpled said, and Tubbo coughed and nodded. Purpled gently blindfolded Tubbo, and then took his cap off. Tommy hear a quack from the corner and saw Benson staring at Tubbo. Tommy gently picked Benson up.

    "Tubbo's fine, Benson. Don't worry." Tommy said gently as he rubbed Benson's small head. However, Tommy still saw the worry in Benson's eyes. "Let's do this." He muttered and Tommy sat on Tubbo's bed and watched.

    He took out some bandages and a tube of cream. He then placed his hands right over Tubbo's back, so it wasn't touching his back but close. Then his hands started glowing purple and he closed his eyes. A small gasp was heard from Quackity but nothing else.

    "I'm going to move my hands, tell me where it hurts the most." He muttered to Tubbo, who nodded and shut his eyes tightly. He moved his hands closer, but Tubbo screamed and Purpled's eyes flew open. "Oh god it is so much worse than before... when did you last check his back?" Purpled said in alarm to Tommy, who was also alarmed.

    "Last week, and it was only covering about half of his back... It has never spread this fast..." Tommy said as he stared at the veins which were outlined clearly on Tubbo's back. "It's like there's a parasite, poison, or venom in his back, I've never seen anything like this..." Purpled muttered in what Tommy thought seemed like horror.

    Purpled sighed and then closed his eyes once more. His hands started glowing again, and this time Purpled barely touched his back and started from one side instead of the centre of his back. When Purpled got to the centre of Tubbo's back, however, Tubbo let out another scream.

    "It's okay, duckling. Just try your best to relax, okay?" Stretcher-Quackity tried to comfort Tubbo and gripped Tubbo's hand. "Alright." Purpled said and got some ointment out of the tube and applied it to his hands. Then he held his hands close to Tubbo's back.

    "Tubbo, this might hurt a bit, so just be prepared." Purpled said, and then his hands started glowing purple again. Soon, the ointment detached from Purpled's hands and gently covered the centre of Tubbo's back, but it was barely on before Tubbo reacted, however this time it was different. Tommy saw Tubbo's eyes widen and he started coughing again.

    A second later, Tubbo's hands were covered in blood because he put them close to his mouth. Tommy's eyes widened. "Shit, do I get him some paper towels?!!?" Tommy said as he watched Tubbo's face. He became even more panicked, if that was even possible, when he saw a tear roll down Tubbo's face.

    "DUH, YOU IDIOT!" Purpled said as he tried to stop Tubbo from coughing. Tubbo couldn't stop coughing however and soon there was blood on his pants too. Tommy quickly set Benson down as he got up. Tommy ran out and quickly grabbed the paper towels then ran back.

    "I-I CA-CAN'T B-BREATHE!" Tubbo said in between coughs and Tommy's eyes widened as he placed a paper towel by Tubbo's mouth. "Oh god, there is a lot of blood..." Purpled said as his eyes widened. "Tommy, what happened?!!?" Purpled said as he tried applying the ointment again.

    "I-I don't know, we were just out patrolling and then he started falling and after that, we tried to get home as soon as possible." Tommy said as he ran a hand through his hair as he stared at the blood. "OH GOD, TOMMY WHAT CAN CALM TUBBO DOWN?!!?" Purpled yelled as the ointment detached and moved towards Tubbo's back.

    "UHM, BENSON AND THINKING OF BEES?!" Tommy said. "Wait, what's so alarming?!" Tommy said. Purpled turned around to briefly look at Tommy and groaned. "Tommy, look at Tubbo." Purpled said, and when Purpled saw Tommy was still confused, he shook his head and focused on the floating ointment.

"He's losing blood. A lot of blood."

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