Chapter 154

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    Mama rolled her eyes after she got over the shock. "I don't have time for this..." She muttered, grabbed KitKat and Andrea, and stuffed them into the crate. She covered it and glared at me. "Stay there or else. I'm already running late..." She said, then turned to Andrew.

    "And you, you little shit..." She spat. Andrew whimpered when Mama glared at him. "I'm getting bored. I'll make this quick, okay?" She said, then placed the dagger next to the base of his tail. I watched in horror as she cut it off and it fell with to the ground. Andrew screamed and sobbed harder, and I balled my hands into fists. He didn't deserve this. Mama smiled, then looked at him.

    "Heh. Look at my face and remember every single detail, cause it's gonna be the last thing you see." She grinned menacingly, then placed the dagger next to Andrew's eye. Andrew's eyes widened and he started wiggling to try to get out of Mam's grasp. Mama scoffed and pressed the dagger into the corner of his eye and Andrew yelped in pain.

    Then Mama suddenly moved it sideways, and his eye popped out. Literally just popped out from it's socket. Andrew screamed in pain and I just stood there, watching in horror. I couldn't look away, I was frozen. His eye landed a foot away from him. Mama laughed then repeated the process with his other eye, and if I wasn't frozen with fear, I would have screamed. His eyes were pouring out blood, it hurt to look at, but I couldn't look away. Mama smiled.

    "Finally." She said, then walked over to the crate and removed the covering. KitKat and Andrea immediately pounced on Mama, but she picked them up and threw them aside. KitKat growled at Mama but Andrea saw Andrew and ran to him. Andrea immediately went to Andrew's side and I watched as she tried not to cry. She gently licked Andrew's head, and he titled his head up.

    "R-Rhea?" He muttered quietly. Andrea's eyes filled with tears and she nodded silently. "I'm here, Andrew. I'm here." She said as she licked Andrew's head again to try to comfort him. "I missed you, Rhea..." He said with a small smile. KitKat immediately ran over and stared silently. "A-Andrea?" She asked shakily. "Yeah?" She responded.

    "He's gonna- He's gonna s- He's gonna survive, right? He's gonna be okay, right?" KitKat said, choking on her words. I slowly walked over and sat down next to them. "Y-Yeah! He- He'll be fine, darling!" Andrea said, then burst into tears. Some of the tears fell onto Andrew and he realised she was crying.

    "Andrea, don't cry..!" Andrew said, rubbing his head against Andrea. "He'll die of blood loss. A rightful death for such a brat. His parents needed to teach him manners, for heck's sake." Mama spat, and KitKat looked like she was ready to fight. "He was only twelve..." Andrea sobbed.

    "TWE- TWELVE-?!" I sputtered in shock. Andrea nodded. Mama scoffed. "Georgiana, let's go." Mama said sternly, but I just sat there, staring at Andrew with tears in my eyes. "NOW!" She yelled, and walked towards me.

    She grabbed my arm, yanked me up and pulled me out of the alley. She gripped my hand so tight I felt like it was going to fall off. She started humming the tune of a song like nothing had happened, but no matter what happened, I couldn't get Andrew out of my head.

His almost lifeless body was permanently stuck in my head.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now