Chapter 22

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    Tubbo was platonically cuddling with Ranboo when he got a text from Tommy. "Hey Tubbo, how are you? :D" the text said out loud. Tubbo was dyslexic, so he changed his phone's settings to make the text read out loud, or he would get Ranboo or Tommy to read some difficult words for him. "Good, how are you?" Tubbo typed back with a smile.

    "I'm good! How's Ranboo?" Tommy texted back, and Tubbo noticed Ranboo looking over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "He's doing good, how's your mum?" Tubbo typed and sent quickly. When he realized what he typed, he immediately regretted it. "Oh my god, this is what I call instant regret." Tubbo said out loud as Ranboo laughed.

    All he got in response was "...". Tubbo immediately tried to say sorry, but due to him being dyslexic, the text came out as "SORTRY" instead. He sent it and tried to type "BOSS MAN" after that, but it came out as "BSOISO S MAN!" instead and he sent it. "Ah yes, bsoiso s man." Ranboo said as he read what Tubbo was typing. They both immediately burst into laughter and tried to catch their breath.


    Tommy immediately burst into laughter at Tubbo's text, and Liam looked at him weirdly and asked him if he was ok. He told Liam that he was fine and went back to looking at Tubbo's text. He knew he shouldn't have laughed at Tubbo's spelling due to him being dyslexic, but when he read it out loud it sounded hilarious. With the happy memory in his mind, he went back to work. 

    He made two drinks at once, which he was very proud of. He took the drinks and went to serve them to the people who ordered them and went back to the drinks station. He noticed that something was off, and he looked again at the people who were in the cafe. He soon noticed that Ph1lzA and The Blade weren't there. Feeling more cheerful than before, he went back to his work.

    Liam seemed to notice Tommy's cheerful behavior and confronted him about it. "Hey, what happened? You seem happier than normal." Liam said with a smile. "Oh, it's nothing much." Tommy replied with a smile on his face. "Uh huh, ok." Liam said smiling, turning back to the smoothie he was making, which actually looked pretty good, Tommy noted.

    "You've gotten really good at making drinks." Tommy complimented as he watched Liam blend the drinks. Something told him not to get too close to Liam, but he didn't care too much about it. Liam seemed nice, and even though Tommy knew how people could be something else outside and something totally different inside, he didn't mind when it came to Liam.

    "Oh, thanks!" Liam said, his smile growing. "It wasn't actually too hard, once you know how long to blend it for and which ingredients to use, it's actually pretty easy!" Liam said happily as he poured the drink into a glass. Tommy smiled as he listened to Liam.

Maybe he could trust Liam a little bit.

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