Chapter 156

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    "Cool name!" Tommy said with a smile. "So, what are you in here for?" Tommy asked, and Aimsey scoffed. "Being a vigilante." She said, very annoyed. Tommy's eyes widened. "Oh wow-" Aimsey nodded.

    "Yup. Aimsey was- no, is- my vigilante name. I was out patrolling one night in District 19, and then when I'm walking down the street, the cops come and tell me to stop walking." She says, and her eyes get a faraway look that makes it seem like she's not really here.

    "I had a really cool outfit, and it was pretty easy to spot. It stood out a lot. They ask me what I'm doing, and me being the idiot I was, tell them I'm patrolling. I forgot vigilantes were illegal." She says. "They ask to see my license, and when I tell them I don't have one, what do you know, I get arrested on the spot. Been here ever since and still plotting an escape plan but nothing has been successful yet." She says, and a small fire burns in her eyes. Tommy looked around, then looks at his pocket where Clementine is, and grins.

    "How well do you know this place, Aimsey?" Tommy said, and Aimsey paused. "Pretty well. I've been here for years." She said. Tommy nodded and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. Tommy held it put to Aimsey and grinned.

"Think you can draw me a map?"


    Benson hopped around me while I opened the cupboards. I smiled and picked him up. "What's up, Benson?" I asked. He quacked and looked at the living room where Ranboo and Quackity were.

    "Is it about Quackity?" I asked, and he shook his head. He looked again, and I realised it was about Ranbooo. "Oh, Ranboo?" I asked, and he nodded. He quacked again twice. I smiled slightly when he quacked.

    "Let me guess, you don't trust him?" I asked, and he nodded eagerly. I smiled and laughed. "Oh, Benson..." I said, and Benson quacked angrily. "No, no! I am taking you seriously don't worry." I said with a laugh. "It's just that..." I started, then pulled something out of my pocket and held it out to Benson. Benson looked at it curiously and I laughed. It was a card.

"I have his money."


    Mama goes into a small building and beckoned me to follow. I followed and looked around. It was daytime, but it was kind of dark. Mama went to the other side of the building, took three steps back, walked towards the wall, tapped the wall one, paused, then nine, paused, then nine, paused, and then nine. A small keypad popped out and I gasped. Mama smiled a bit and entered something into the keypad. A small trapdoor revealed itself and I gasped again.

    "Mama, this is like magic!" I said, and she laughed. "It is, isn't it?" She said and pulled the trapdoor open. There were some stairs under it and she told me to follow her. I nodded, and when I stepped down to the sixth step, I saw the keypad go back into the wall and the trapdoor seal itself.

    We walked down some more steps, and I smelled something really bad. "Eww..." I said, and Mama laughed. I saw a person wearing a weird suit and they walked up to Mama. I stared at the person, and Mama looked at them weirdly. The person bowed, and she grinned.

"Hello, Miss Sally!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now