Chapter 57

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    To be honest, I was expecting that from Timothy. "Ok, so what's your opinion on vigilantes?" I asked. "Well, vigilantes aren't snobby or just obsessed with fame and stuff like that, but again, no offense." Timothy said carefully after a while, and I nodded. "Well, what do you think heroes could do that would make us better? Because technically vigilantes are illegal and there shouldn't be a need for vigilantes anyway." I said as I made mental notes.

    "Uhm, maybe pay more attention to the lower districts? Vigilantes fill in for where heroes should be and actually care for citizens. A lot of crimes happen in the lower districts, and since heroes aren't there for citizens in these districts, citizens usually put vigilantes in a good light and heroes in a very bad light, so yeah." Timothy said, and I noted to tell Ph1LzA and Blade about this.

    "But why do you hate vigilantes?" Timothy asked after a while, and I snapped out of my trance. "Hate!? Who said I hate vigilantes?" I said, shocked and panicked. "How did he know?!" I thought, then Timothy said something that made me calm down a bit.

    "Relax, I can see you panic. You're very easy to read, and it's very clear to see that you hate vigilantes because your tone changes when you talk about them." He said, and I let out a sigh of relief. "So you can't read my mind or anything like that, right?" I asked, just to make sure. He paused for a while, and I started to panic once more. "No, I can't, so don't worry." He said, and I could see that he was resisting the urge to laugh. I nodded, pushed my round glasses up my nose and decided to have a conversation with him.

"Well, aside from all that, how are you? I really want to get to know you, and maybe we can even become friends!"


    Tommy froze at Phantom's words. "F-friends?!" He sputtered, and Phantom nodded, a gentle smile present on his face. In his mind, Tommy was disgusted. "FRIENDS?!?! WITH A HERO LIKE PHANTOM?!?! NO. THANKS." Tommy thought, and Clementine laughed at him. "Tommy, you seem to be really against heroes, but maybe you could use this opportunity!" Clementine said, and Tommy nodded mentally after he realized what Clem was talking about. "Thanks Clem!" Tommy said, and Tommy could hear the happiness in Clementine's voice. "Your welcome Tommy!" Clementine said.

    "That sounds pog!" Tommy said, and he cringed internally. He was only this friendly with his actual friends, not some random snobby hero. Phantom grinned. "So how are you?" He asked Tommy. "I'm good, how about you?" Tommy replied back, and they talked to each other for a while, then Phantom turned the topic back to vigilantes. "Recently some vigilante from your district did a serious crime. Do you want to know what it was?" Phantom asked, and Tommy nodded.

    "Some vigilante stole the Axe of Peace." Phantom said, and Tommy's heart dropped. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF SOMEONE ELSE CALLS ME THE AXE OF PEACE-" Clementine yelled, and Tommy had to resist a smile. "I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this vigilante? He has a red and white hoodie, the hood is always up, and he wears a mask and sunglasses that cover his face." Phantom said, and Tommy paused. "Wait, doesn't the axe choose their holder? So technically the vigilante didn't steal the axe, the axe chose them." Tommy pointed out, and Phantom shook his head as he let out a sigh.

    "Magical and enchanted weapons like the Axe of Peace are supposed to choose heroes. They're supposed to choose heroes who are able to take care of them, not some poor vigilante who probably can't even afford to pay his own rent." Phantom said as he rolled his eyes, and boiling rage quickly bubbled up in both Tommy and Clementine. "HE THINKS THAT I DON'T TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU!?!?" Tommy yelled inside his mind as he tried his best to keep a straight face. 

    "AND I AM ALLOWED TO CHOOSE WHOEVER I WANT. BESIDES, IF HEROES CAN TAKE SUCH GOOD CARE OF ME, THEN WHY DIDN'T BLADE TAKE GOOD CARE OF ME?!?" Clementine yelled, and Tommy tried to calm them down. "Don't worry Clem, we'll get some revenge soon. And I mean very soon." Tommy said angrily as he stared at Phantom. "Why do you hate vigilantes so much?" Tommy asked slowly as he tried his best not to snap and yell at Phantom. "Well, vigilantes aren't as good as heroes. They're just poor wannabes who aren't smart and do dumb and stupid things." Phantom said, only making Tommy and Clementine angrier.

Judging by Phantom's face, Tommy knew that Phantom realized immediately that he had messed up.

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