25:Date Before Meeting

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3rd person pov:

The smell of food cooking wakes dabi from a dreamless slumber. After walking downstairs. He sees that chisaki has made a  breakfast fit for a king.

Dabi:"Did you make all of this?"

Kai turns around from setting the table.

Kai:"I had a feeling food would motivate you to get up. I don't know what your favorite food is. So I improvised."

Dabi:"This is a lot, though."

Kai:"The leftovers can go to your guards. I'll spend all day with you,  but tonight, I'll be heading out on a business mission. I want you to stay here while I'm away.  That way, I won't have to worry about your safety. "

Dabi sits down and reaches for the rice omelets.

Kai:"A man of simple things?"


Dabi had already started eating. Causing Kai to chuckle at his puffy cheeks full of food.

Kai:"You're  making a mess. Let me get that for you."

Kai reaches with a napkin and wipes the corner of Dabi's mouth. Causing the blue-eyed male to look away in embarrassment.

Dabi swallows the mouth full he has.

Dabi:"What mission are you going on?"

Kai:"Nothing much. Just a research one. I should return by morning."

Dabi:"In that case. Let me make breakfast for you tomorrow."

Kai places a hand atop Dabi's.

Kai:"It's a date then. So what would you like to do today?"

Dabi:"You forgot, didn't you?"

Kai looks confused until dabi points at the television.

Kai:"Movie day it is."

After eating, Kai cleans up. While dabi preps the couch with a heavy fur blanket, pillows, drinks, and snacks like popcorn and chips.

Kai finishes by giving the guards a portion of the food before sitting down.

Both wrap up in the blanket and sit apart for awhile. Only to end up cuddling by movie three.

Starting with saw. They continue with dungeons and dragons: honor amung thieves, and then a silent voice. They stop for a small  break to stretch and take care of bathroom needs. After a salad for lunch. They continue until the sun starts to set. Only to order take-out for dinner.

After eating, Kai gets ready to head out. As Kai walks towards the door. Dabi blows him a kiss. Knowing that actually kissing him could cause him to rash up. Dabi respects his boundaries.

Dabi:"Be safe out there."

Kai:"Don't worry about me. I can handle any threat that comes my way."

Kai walks over to dabi. Pulling him in close. Only to put his m ask covered lips to Dabi's forehead.

Kai:"I'll be back before you can say dead red bird."

With a wave. Kai walks out to meet with the League of Villains.

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