LXXII| Dream Come True

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4:43 PM
[ Jianyu : (Y/n) where are u going?? ]

4:43 PM
[ Jianyu : I'm sorry, I am, I'm really sorry ]

4:44 PM
[ Jianyu : come back, please come back ]

4:44 PM
[ Jianyu : let's talk about it ]

4:45 PM
[ Jianyu : u don't have to deal with the others ]

4:46 PM
[ Jianyu : I can have them handled ]

4:47 PM
[ Jianyu : just tell me where u are ]

4:48 PM
[ Jianyu : please ]

The whole house has erupted. Amon was going batshit hearing what had gone down while he'd been changing. Not that Jianyu cared right now. She was busy typing away rapidly, her hands shaking as she spammed your phone.

She couldn't do this. She couldn't deal with this. Where had she gone wrong?! Jianyu had done everything right!

The only way she'd ever wronged you was by loving you at all.

Jianyu was crying before she knew it, left alone on that deck now that everybody else was taking different courses of action.

She flicked through her contacts, about to press call before she'd seen your text.

5:00 PM
[ (Y/n) : I'm coming back ]

Jianyu's breathing hitched.

She pressed call.

The phone buzzed-twice over-and then was picked up.

[ "Hello?"

"Vell," she hissed out.

"Yes? What do you need mistress?"

"I need you to take care of something."

"Anything." ]

» » »

A cow mooed loudly in your ear, and you jumped, looking over at its fluffy self. You scowled in a playful manner. "Oh shush, it's almost your turn." You sighed out, patting his head before going to fill the feed.

Soon the flock headed your way, and you backed away from them, closing the wide pen on your way. It was hot out today, but a nice chilly breeze soothed your hot skin. You took a moment to look up at the sky, the clouds that weren't so distant at all. What a gorgeous morning.

Flicking your hand over your clothes, you began to head away from all the animals. You ran a small list under your breath.

"Cats have been fed, dogs too... Chickens... Horses... Cows... I've watered the plants and fixed the fence..."

But had you eaten?

"Oh, right." You muttered with a faint laugh. Your course changed in that moment, headed down the mountain. Away from the lush grassy field and towards the edge of the forest.

There laid a cabin, rocky and with a chimney emitting smoke. Fauna overtook it, fenced in with brick and clover lining the stoney path.

You pushed open the front door, and the smell of fresh baked bed crossed your senses. "I'm back!" You called.

"Ah! Perfect!" Jianyu appeared around the corner, holding a loaf decorated with vegetable flowers. "I just finished!"

Jianyu went to your side and planted a kiss on your cheek, which garnered a soft laugh from you.

This life you'd built had been hard fought. It'd been one you took quite some time to get used to, but it was hard not to. Mountain life was so peaceful, and Jianyu had become so soft.

It almost made you forget the bloodshed that soaked her hands.

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