XLII , Billboard Big

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The air was tense. Dal wanted to comfort you, but he'd been forced into the shotgun seat. While you, you sat in the back. It was devastating to Dal, but satisfying to the others. He'd been gaining too many points with you for any of their liking.

You rested your arms on the windowsill, watching the world blitz by. Highways were so treacherous, so useful yet so depressing. Where had the morning gone? Any excitement for the con had dispersed like rats.

Beside you was Amon, you could feel their gaze falling upon you every so often. Honestly, you didn't think Amon was guilty. It just didn't seem like something he'd do. What you were trying to decipher was why Jianyu would lie.

Obviously because she's fucking obsessed with you

... Was she?

You'd never considered it, someone being obsessed with you. Honestly, you didn't comprehend fully how it would tie in here. Did she hide her things to wear your clothes? It was so confusing. Why would she do that? Your style was different than hers...

These thoughts ceased upon seeing one particular billboard. It was there for mere seconds, but you'd recognize that face anywhere.

"Damshi." You breathed out, cracking through the icy silence. "You're on a billboard?"

Damshi glanced at you through their rear view mirror. "Ah, yes, I am." Damshi confirmed. "The convention wished to use my image for promotion. It was a rather good deal so I took it."

Sometimes, time and time again, it struck you just how famous your friends were. In an age where you could make a living off of streaming, they were new age celebrities. You didn't feel anywhere close to their level, even if logically you knew by proxy you were.

"So cool." You mumbled.

Damshi had always felt the hardest to connect with. You knew of her many responsibilities and busy schedule, which always led you to wanting to know more about her. To be quite honest, you looked up to her. She was the pinnacle of success in the gaming industry— what aspiring streamer wouldn't look up to her?

"I wasn't asked to be on any billboards, but they did post a lot about my being at the convention." Ace piped up, chuckling softly. You didn't expect any less.

"Duh." You laughed airily in return. "You're the Claristo."

Claristo. The name felt so far away. Mere days ago it was the only name you knew him by, but now you couldn't imagine him as anything but Ace.

Ace. You wondered why his parents had named him that. Had they prophesied his success in life? "Hey," You looked over at him properly, and he met your gaze with warm and familiarity, "what's your family like?"

"My family?" He seemed shocked. What a random conversation starter. With all that happened, you were interested in his family? Ace chuckled. "Well... They're highly motivated people. Our house never had a silent moment, not that we were home all that often."

"Sounds chaotic." You commented.

"It was." He nodded. "But it gave me a good work ethic, I think." Ace hesitated a few moments, "They never said it, but I knew they expected big things from me."

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