XXXV , Morning Conversations

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It was official, you loathed jet lag. Usually you'd only be up at five AM if you hadn't slept at all the night prior. Luckily, you weren't alone. Downstairs you found Ace making some food. He smiled at you and offered some silently.

Of course, you took it. He seemed to have made it himself, and you were curious about if he was a good cook or not. A bite in and you had decided that yes, yes he was. "Why are you up?" You'd asked after swallowing the bite. Ace leant against the countertop while you took a seat atop it.

"I usually wake up early." He shrugged. "Jet lag for you, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah." It was a simple enough guess, and gosh this food was delicious. Sure you hadn't had anything to eat for a solid fifteen to twenty hours or so... But still.

"How are you feeling?" Ace asked you with soft worried eyes, eyes that reminded you of opals. With their softness and the way color danced in the light.

You considered it while staring deep into each other's eyes. "Excited... Overwhelmed..." He couldn't help but laugh a bit, nodding.

"I felt the same when I got invited to my first con." Ace informed you, taking another bite of food.

"I remember that." You smiled warmly. "You got so excited to tell everybody..." Your smile dimmed. "I still wish I could've gone."

"I forget how long you've been around sometimes." Ace commented. "It's shocking we haven't met in person before this."

"Yeah." You mumbled. "Circumstances and all... I'm really grateful for all the opportunities I've been given in this past year." You brought your legs up to your chest and held them there.

"None of them are undeserved." Ace reminded, seeing how your mood was dampening. He reached out and gently cupped your cheek. "You're brilliant. I've always known it was a matter of time before the world saw that."

Your hand gently ghosted over his. Ace had to fight back any reaction. "Thanks for being one of my biggest supporters." You mumbled to him, and Ace found his heart melting.

"Always." He breathed out. "I'm always in your corner. You've always been in mine, after all." Ace pointed out in a somewhat teasing tone. To which you huffed.

"Duh. That's cuz' your the best."

"Where has this flattery been all these years?" Ace grinned.

"Hidden." You stuck your tongue out. "I thought the donations got the point across."

"Not with you telling me I suck through them."

"Ah, well, you do. At video games, that is."

"Like you're any better. I swear, if I would've known sooner..." There was a lot Ace wished he would've realized sooner. He wished he would've realized sooner how deep his love for you ran. He wished he would've realized sooner how the others felt for you.

But that was in the past, and he couldn't dwell on that. It wouldn't do him any good.

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