XXVIII , Comfort

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The call came late at night. Unexpectedly, like everything else that came with you. First he hadn't heard from you for a month, and now your call was ringing through his ears.

Slowly, Claristo clicked accept. Something felt horribly wrong about this. His gut told him so.

[ "Heart? What's up–? Heart?" Immediately, your crying wracked through his entire body. Sending shivers down his spine, while his throat closed up.

"C-Clari— Clari I–" You couldn't speak straight, and he couldn't think straight. What an awful combination. Neither of you could say anything for the other, not at first.

"... What happened?" Finally, words left Claristo's throat. Strained and soft, but they left nonetheless.

You hiccuped and he could hear you sniffling, picture you rubbing at your eyes. The imagery made him physically sick. Claristo's muscles tensed up and an ache in his heart worsened. "R-Rotza— Joshua— he—"

"What the hell did he do?"

The words caused pause in both of you. Claristo didn't know he had such rage in him, much less the capability to express it. Yet he'd just hissed out those words and somehow... He didn't regret it.

Even if it caused you to hesitate, only for louder sobs to leave your chest... Claristo didn't regret showing how deeply he cared about you.

"L-Lied— he— w-why— why would he— Clari why—" You gasped and hiccuped, slamming your hands down on the table. "He said we were nothing! That I was nothing!" Suddenly anger encapsulated your voice, sadness dissipating for mere seconds.

Claristo was catching on now. "What is he saying about you?" Claristo was trying to keep calm, to figure out the truth behind you and Joshua's relationship.

"I don't know." You whispered out. "I don't know— but he raided me— and his chat kept saying horrible things. They kept saying they know the truth. But there's no way they do..." If they did, they wouldn't be saying such things, surely.

Claristo leant back, his chair creaking underneath his weight. "Right as you come back too... You can't just go and hide away again." Claristo sighed heavily. "What does this guy even have against you?"

"... He's my ex boyfriend."

The words fell out of your mouth before you'd even really thought about it. Claristo's eyes widened and he stared at the call screen.

"He's... What?"

"I-It was... A year ago or so. I thought it was all over when we graduated high school but..." You gripped your arms and sucked in a shaky breath. "I guess... I guess he hasn't had enough of tormenting me."

Those words didn't comfort Claristo at all. He gritted his teeth and pulled up the group chat silently. "Well, let's show him he can't mess with you anymore, then."

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