XXVII , Controversy

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It'd been a month. You don't know where the time had gone, really. Nothing felt real anymore. So many days had gone by where you'd barely gotten out of bed. How thankful you were that you were on break. Not that you'd be able to get yourself up and motivated enough to attend lectures.

You felt pathetic. Even with countless reassurances from Ari, Kai, and GG you weren't. Even if it had been a four year relationship. Even if Joshua had hurt you terribly. In spite of it all, you felt pathetic.

But slowly, you started to feel better. Get a handle on yourself and your emotional state. Slowly, you came to terms with Joshua having somehow ended up in the same field as you. And you reasoned with yourself that you'd never have to speak with him in person.

Still... The affects lingered in your very soul.

» » » THE NEXT DAY , 1:23 AM

"Eh? What the fuck are you talking about now chat?"

"What? All Stars? What about that shitty tournament?"

"Ugh, fuck, get to the goddamn point. I know the team we beat. They were fucking pathetic. That Heartra chick couldn't get her shit together and dragged down the whole team."

"Ohh, so this is about her, ain't it?"

"What? She rage quit after that?"

"No? She didn't?"

"Then why the fuck did she drop out?"


"I don't get what the fuss is all about. She's just some stupid ass girl who has some attention and will fade out like the rest."

"... Oh shit."

» » » TWO WEEKS LATER , 2:45 AM

"Woah~ wassup chat..." You laughed into the microphone and leant back. Watching as people flooded in. "Mm... Yeah. It's me. I'm back."

[ Eityna : OMFG THE QUEEN 👑👑 ]

[ Airos : WELCOME BACK!!! ]

[ Inerto : ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ]

You watched as countless positive messages flooded in through tired eyes. Soaking it all in quietly for a minute. "How have you all been?" You asked the chat, soft and nervous.

[ Aciesin tipped 35 USD ]
[ Welcome back, Heart. I hope you're feeling better. ]

The familiar name of your second founder made your eyes widen. "Woah, Aciesin." You sat up straighter. "You're still around? Dude, it's great to see you."

[ Aciesin : always ❤️❤️ ]

Slumping back, you loaded up your hardcore world. Sucking in a deep breath as you tried to forget about it all and talk with chat.

You found comfort in the stream. Able to relax and enjoy what you truly did love doing. Though you'd never imagined you'd love streaming this much, here you were.

[ Upel : RAID!!! ]

[ Mitzilv : RAID RAID RAID!!! ]

[ AlphaSoft : ROTZA RAID ]

'Rotza'. The name caused you to pause. You did a double take, but more and more 'Rotza raid' flooded in and overtook your chat. Sucking in a shaky and deep breath, you stared wide eyed as everything unraveled before you.

It was sudden. Like a riptide that took hold and dragged you away. Completely random, or so it seemed, but nonetheless terrifying.

[ Bengali : WE KNOW ]

[ Smgame : Why the fuck are so many losers in this chat?? ]

[ Verilad : sheeple LMAOOOO ]

[ Ballp : Don't act so innocent ]

[ Timesse : Joshua told us how much of a bitch you are, lol ]

Without thinking, you ended stream.

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