XXXVI , Happiness

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"Good morning~!" Jianyu called happily as she brought you into an unexpected hug. By this point you and Ace had been up for maybe an hour.

"Morning." You smiled in return and gestured for her to take a seat next to you on the couch. Which Jianyu did.

"So are you excited?" Jianyu asked you with a practically glowing expression. "For the convention, I mean. Today's the first day!"

"Ah, yeah." While that's what you said, obvious nerves broke through.

"Don't worry too much." Ace commented from his seat, ignoring Jianyu's outright glaring. "You're stealing stress from the future."

"Stealing stress from the future..." It felt like your motto at this point. Still, his words helped you relax. Wether that was because of the words themself or because Ace was the one delivering them was unknown.

Slowly, everybody woke up. Amon came down next, grumbling and brooding like an edgy teenager. He made a break for the coffee, downing it black. Somehow, you weren't shocked that's how he preferred his coffee.

Up until he started coughing. "What the hell is this shit?!" He all but screeched. Claristo rose a brow.

"... Coffee?"

"It tastes like dirt!"

"Watch your tongue!" Jianyu hissed at him.

"Shut the fuck up! You're so goddamn annoying!" Amon groaned.

"Hey, hey." You sighed. "I didn't know what to get. I'm sorry." A deep frown rested on your features. You didn't know Amon was picky about coffee, so you had just grabbed whatever would get you all through the next few days.

By the looks of Amon's expression, he hadn't known you were the one to grab the cheap ass coffee. "(Y/n)—"

"I can go out and buy everyone something else." You offered, cutting him off. "Once the others are awake, anyways. Unless anybody knows what Dal and Damshi drink?"

"Damshi drinks lattes mostly." Ace shrugged. "But you don't need to buy anything." He added with a soft smile. "Nor do you need to cater to us and our tastes. Especially when only one person is complaining."

"You want to fight, pretty boy?" Amon hissed.

"Are you disagreeing?" Ace shot a cold glance over at Amon, and Amon took pause. Why the hell had that scared him for a second?

"... No." Amon grumbled, continuing to drink the coffee.

"I thought so." Ace's smile returned and he looked back over at you. "See? There's no issue here. Don't fret."

Ace was smiling, but inside he was seething. Right as he'd managed to alleviate your stress, Amon fucked it all up.

Next down came Dal, who stretched and greeted everybody sleepily. He made himself some matcha—you guessed he grabbed everything he needed for it on his own. Then he went and took a seat in the living room with everybody.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked you after taking a sip.

"Barely." You sighed. "You?"

"Certainly better than you." Dal frowned softly. "I guess you aren't used to jet lag? Or perhaps it was stress?"

"Both, I guess." You admitted.

"It'll all work itself out." Dal closed his eyes and took another sip. "We're all here for you, always."

"Yeah!" Jianyu was quick to agree, nodding wildly. "Especially me!"

"I'll fuck up whoever you need me to." Amon grunted, leaning back and kicking one leg over the other.

"Of course I'm in your corner as much as you are mine." Ace hummed.

You didn't know why, but the words of encouragement and reassurance didn't help now. There was this sinking feeling in your gut that had been growing all morning. One you couldn't shake off.

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