LXVI , Reality

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm—"


Damshi couldn't stop your tears from falling. She'd wiped your cheeks with makeup wipes to cool you off but the tears kept coming. You were absolutely hysteric. It took all Damshi had to not call her lawyers right in that moment and ruin Joshua.

Her heart was pounding in the most painful of ways. She felt dizzy from anger and distraught. What was she if she couldn't even protect you? The most precious thing in this entire world?

Damshi only worried briefly when you rested your head on her. Worried you'd get a fever from all of this crying. Worried about everything. She slowly rose a hand and placed it on the back of your head.

"I'm sorry,"

"Stop, please." Damshi begged. Why were you even apologizing? She would've done worse, far worse, if she'd been the one to run into Joshua. "He hurt you so terribly. He deserved this."

You shook your head, and Damshi furrowed her brows. "I'm sorry Damshi, I'm so sorry,"

It clicked. You were apologizing to her.

"Why?" She breathed.

"You never should've— I'm sorry— I didn't—"

Damshi could put together the pieces. You didn't want her to see you like that. Honestly, Damshi was glad she'd been the one to. Not that she ever wanted you to have gone through something so traumatic at all.

She stood there with you on the counter of a private bathroom, holding you close to her, listening to the sound of your shaky breathing. Sometimes you'd croak an apology again, and she'd murmur something comforting.

At some point, you calmed down enough to give her an explanation. Damshi had asked for one, but once hearing it a part of her wished she hadn't. She couldn't quite believe such a large con could be so unprofessional.

Worst of all, she couldn't believe Joshua had such nerve. "Let's go find the others," Damshi mumbled, "we can leave."

"They won't invite you back." You mumbled.

"I don't think any of us care."

Not right now. Not ever again if they'd treated you like this. Honestly, Damshi wanted to hold you until the end of time. She didn't want to find the others. But she also wasn't quite the type that wanted you locked up and away. The idea had come to mind, but she'd seen your passion. How much you loved to stream, and how much she loved seeing you so happy...

Still. She was glad to have this moment. Glad she'd thrown everybody else off your scent. Damshi had a feeling that it would work out in her favor.

A part of her still wished a brute like Amon had been there though. So she could fixate on you, not the next step to absolutely destroying that wretched man.

Damshi had a headache.

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