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They've been able to get Nico mostly off of the pain meds over the last 28 hours, but every time they try to take him off them completely he complains of severe pain.

"I think what we're gonna do is try to transfer you to some oral pain medication," the doctor says. "That way we can get you home. You've been in the hospital long enough, I'm sure you're ready to go home."

Nico nods. "Thanks," he says.

They unhook him from the IV and give him a tablet of Hydrocodone. About an our later Nicos back to clutching at his side like he's in pain, even though he hasn't said anything.

"Still hurt baby?" I ask him, pulling his face towards mine so I can see his face better.

He nods, "I-I'll be fine. I'm used to pain."

I frown, "Next time the nurse comes in we'll tell them okay? Maybe they can give you a second one."

He sighs but nods anyways. "Okay."

By the time we leave they have him on 50 ml pills of Hydrocodone for his pain. They told me there only giving him enough to take one in the morning and one at night for one week, and that I need to monitor him closely when he's taking them due to his history with drugs.

"I'll be fine Will," Nico groans when I tell him to stay out while I hide them. "You can count them to make sure I don't steal any."

"Or I can hide them," I argue.

He rolls his eyes as he try's to get comfortable on my bed. He doesn't argue anymore though, just sighs dramatically because I'm dating a drama queen. He's clearly really tired even though all he's been doing is sleeping lately.

I go and hide the pill bottle in the medicine cabinet in Moms bathroom. Nico never goes in there anyway so he won't find it there. When I get back to my room he's already asleep, so I either have to try and get in bed with him without waking him up or sit on the floor.

I lift the comforter slowly and gently get my self in the bed next to him. He must not have been fully asleep yet because he immediately curls up next to me, wrapping his arm around my middle gently. I can't help but smile as I watch him get comfortable all snuggled up to me.

Mom makes me go back to school the next day, and she stays home just in case Nico needs something.

"How's Nico doing?" Annabeth asks me at lunch.

I shrug, "He says his stomach is still pretty sore but other than he's doing a lot better."

"That's good, I've been worried about him," Percy says. "Don't tell him I said that though or he might punch me in the stomach next time he sees me."

I laugh, "Don't worry, it'll stay between us."

"He's always got something going on doesn't he?" Leo says.

"Yeah he does," I sigh, eating my sandwich.

Nico hasn't texted me much all day, probably because he's sleeping. I gave him one of his pills this morning cause he woke up groaning in pain. I really didn't think he would be in this much pain. Everyone I know who's had that surgery recovers really quickly and says it's pretty painless. Of course Nico has to be the exception to that.

When I get home later he's asleep in bed, hugging my pillow to chest like he's trying to pretend it's me. It makes my heart swell and I pull out my phone to take a picture. He's absolutely adorable.

I change into sweatpants and put my headphones in and sit at my desk to do my homework. About thirty minutes later Nico gives me a heart attack because I didn't hear him get up and suddenly his arms are around my neck.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now