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Disguising him worked for three days, but than someone realised who he was and it started all over again.

"Where's his collar Solace?" Luke smirks cruelly as Nico and I walked by. "Gotta keep your dog on a leash."

"Fuck you," I snap, surprising everyone who heard. I don't cuss much but when I do, I really mean it.

"Ooo, looks like you need a muzzle too," he laughs.

Nico drags me away before I can say anything else, which he's been having to do more and more lately. I don't know how he's staying so calm about all this, well at least calm in the moment. He's been falling asleep crying into my chest every night for the past two weeks.

We walk to Nicos locker so he can grab his school stuff, but the second we get there we could see something taped to it.

"What the fuck?" Nico grumbles as he walks over and rips the dog collar off his locker.

Octavian, knowing Nico can do nothing about it since last time they fought he got 6 months added to his probation, leans casually against the locker next to it.

"Hey bitch," he smirks waving a leash in the air.

"The hell do you want," Nico sneers.

"Put the collar on," Octavian snickers.

A crowd starts gathering to watch the altercation at this point. Some looked intrigued, some looked amused, but majority looked disgusted. Course that doesn't mean anyone is gonna step in and help Nico, this is high school.

"Get the fuck away Octavian," I growl stepping in front of Nico so he isn't tempted to punch him.

"Oooo he does have a back bone," he laughs. "Don't you wanna see him in a dog collar? I'm sure he'll look so pretty."

I clench my fists at my side, feeling tempted to punch him myself even though I know that wouldn't end well for me. "I said get away," I repeat, glaring down at him.

He raises a challenging eyebrow, "Or what? You'll sick your guard dog on me?"

Nico grabs me by my sleeve, "Let's just go."

Octavian scoffed, "You should listen to your bitch."

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and shove my forearm into his neck. "Call him bitch one more time."

Octavian laughs. "I'm so scared," he mocks.

Nico pulls me off of him and shoves himself between us. "Will, we're walking away," he says firmly pushing me back by my chest.

I huff but allow him to drag me away from Octavian.

"What the fuck was that?" Nico snaps at me once we are out of earshot of the whole crowd.

"I'm tired of watching everyone treat you like this!" I growl.

"It's not your job to protect me," he says firmly. "If you start a fight you know I'm just gonna jump in and than I'll be the one that gets in trouble. I'm not gonna stand around and watch you get the shit beat out of you."

"Thanks for the show of faith," I pout because I know he's right. I may be tall and fairly strong but I have no idea how to fight. Nico just stares at me, so I continue. "Im sorry, I just couldn't stop myself."

"I get it, you know I do. But you need to control that, I can take care of myself."

"I know I know," I sigh.

He leans up and kisses me. "Thank you though."

I smile softly, "I thought you were mad."

"I kinda am, but it's also cute when you get all protective even if it's totally stupid and will get you beat up."

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now