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"They still can't get ahold of his dad," Ma says walking back over to me.

"I'm not surprised," I shrug, "Nico doesn't want him here anyway."

"They still have to try and get ahold of him," she explains putting a hand on my shoulder. She pulls my hand away from my mouth because I had been biting my nails and ripping my cuticles off with my teeth. "He's gonna be fine."

I sigh, "I know but I'm still anxious."

"I know," she gives me a reassuring smile. "Cause you care about him."

I smile back as best as I can manage right now, "I do."

The door opens back up, "Nicos asking for you," the nurse says pointing to me.

I don't waste any time in hurrying into the room where Nicos lying in a hospital bed. He wouldn't let them take off his pants to start cleaning the wound out in the ambulance so they cut them off just above the knee on his right side. He claimed he'd rather buy new pants.

"We're gonna give him a numbing agent to help with the pain while we stitch him up. He doesn't need any surgery because it didn't hit any major tendons, but he's still gonna have trouble walking for a couple of weeks while the muscles re build themselves," she explains as I walk over to the side of the bed. To my surprise Nico grabs my hand and holds onto it tightly, looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"Tell them I don't need stitches, they can just glue it!" He pleads with me.

"You were stabbed, handle deep with a knife," I look at him disbelievingly. "Love, you're gonna need stitches."

He glares at me. "I thought you were supposed to be on my side," he grumbles, though he holds onto my hand tighter.

"I am on your side, and you're gonna need to get that healed up," I say in a soothing voice, hoping I can calm him down.

"Are you his boyfriend?" The nurse asks.

"Yes," Nico answers, looking like he even surprised himself. I grin at him and feel my heart skip a beat. This means he's finally accepted me as his soulmate.

"Are you soulmates? Because if so," she turns to me now, "We're gonna need to stitch up your leg too, this wound deep enough it's not going to just heal right along with his. You only need the superficial ones to help it close though so it'll be easy."

"Oh lovely," I complain, "Can you do mine after? I wanna be with him."

He pulls my arm down so that I'm closer, seemingly adding his point that I'm not allowed to leave his side right now.

"Yeah that should be fine, you're not in any danger from it," she says. "Alright, are you ready Nico?"

His eyes are wide and terrified and I note how unnatural pure terror looks on his face. He looks even more afraid than he does when he's around his dad.

"I guess so," he squeaks.

I sit down on the bed next to him and wrap my arms around him pulling his face into my chest, just like my mom has always done since I was young whenever I got my blood drawn or shots of any kind. He curls up close to me for comfort and my heart just melts.

"I'm right here," I whisper into his hair and kiss the top of his head. I feel strangely protective of the boy I have in my arms right now, even if I know he doesn't want it. Well maybe he does right now but that's just because he's terrified of needles, which I'm finally coming to conclude. I feel his hand wrap around my shirt on my chest as if he's scared I'm gonna let him go. "Just don't look alright?"

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now