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CW: After maths of smutty ness, talks about smutty ness but no actual smut (all of this just talked about at the beginning btw)

My legs are still shaking slightly from how fucking hard Will made me cum even though it's been five minutes. My heart feels like it's trying to beat its way out of my chest and fall into Wills hands. Wills kissing my neck and I can feel his proud smirk each time he presses his mouth to my skin.

"Good?" he murmurs quietly into my ear cockily.

I still haven't been able to use my mouth for anything except kiss him so I simply just nod and curl towards him more, continuing to pant into his hair. He chuckles a little and pulls me closer again, running his hands all over my body soothingly.

Eventually my heart rate calms down to a more normal rhythm and I finally catch my breath. "Fuck," I breath out, pulling myself on top of him.

He chuckles and agrees, "Fuck."

I kiss his neck messily, "That was amazing."

Will smiles and nods and continues to hold me for god knows how long it takes for me to have enough energy to even considering returning the favour. I start moving my hand down his chest but he stops my hand and brings it back up his chest. "Don't worry about me Neeks," he says.

I sit up a little to look at him curiously and see he's blushing bright red and looking incredibly embarrassed. "I kinda already came," he admits.

"I didn't even touch you!" I tease him lightly.

"I know," he laughs, "Just, I don't know. All the sounds you were making and, just- I guess making you feel good was more than enough for me today."

I can't think of words to describe how that makes me feel. Amazing? Loved? Happy? Proud? Horny again?

"That's hot," is what I seem to decide to stay instead of literally anything else I could have.

Will laughs so hard it practically throws me off of his chest and then he clutches at his back, which is probably sore from the way he was laying to suck me off and finger me already. "Don't make me laugh that much, it hurts," he jokes. His back already has been killing him from the long drive and the uncomfortable bed at his aunts too.

"Lay on your stomach," I tell him, intending to give him a message. We've come to realise it's probably the best way to help with his pain and the physical therapist says it's a good thing because it will help with his healing.

He lays on his stomach and I reach over for the lotion we keep next to the bed for this exact reason and start messaging his back. Will groans and I feel him tense up momentarily before he takes a deep breath to help his muscles relax more.

"Sometimes I forget how good this feels," Will groans into his pillow.

"Least I can do when you just gave me the most earth shattering orgasm of my life."

Will snorts, "You're adorable."

I rub his back for around thirty minutes before moving down his body to ass, partly because I wanted to grab his ass but also because his physical therapist had said it's connected to the muscles in his back too. He tenses up and groans so I let up on the pressure while he tries to breathe through it.

"She wasn't lying, that shoots right up my back and down my legs," Will mumbles, his voice distorted from the pillow.

"I could tell, you gasped loud enough I thought you were taking your last breath."

"That's dark," Will grins at me. Well I can't see his face but I can tell from his tone he's grinning at me.

"You like me when I'm dark."

"Yeah," he admits. "It's part of your charm. Your hands all over my ass as you tell me I sound like I was taking my last breath. I'm hard again already." I snort but don't respond.

After about ten minutes and both butt cheeks thoroughly messaged I ask, "Anything else hurt baby?"

Will shakes his head. "Cuddle?" he asks.

I move off of him and lay down next to him and allow him to wrap his arms around me to pull me close. "Love you," I whisper against his collar bone.

"Love you more," Will smiles and kisses my head.


"Wow Nico you look so tan," Percy teased as Will and I walked up to them. "That Texas sun did you good."

"Ha-ha," I deadpan, knowing when were out in in the sun Will had be slathered in enough sun screen that the sun couldn't even look at me long enough to consider tanning my skin.

"Will on the other hand looks like he lived in the sun for the week you were gone," Jason smirks.

Will grins and I can't help but smile at him too. "He practically did," I say. "Any chance he got he was outside on the porch in the sun."

"At least I was smart and took my shirt off so I don't have weird tan lines," Will says smugly.

"I thought that was just for my enjoyment," I tease him.

He shoves me away, "That was only part of it."

"How awful was his family?" Percy asks me in a surprisingly sympathetic way.

"Absolutely shit," Will and I accidently say in unison because we are unfortunately that couple. I turn to glare at him and he blinks at me innocently.

"I hate Texas," I add.

"It's just my family Neeks, Texas it's self is great."

"It's full of republicans," Percy reminds him, "You're family isn't the only shit heads there."

"Exactly!" I exclaim, glad someone agrees with me. "And it's too fucking hot there."

Will rolls his eyes but just pulls me into his side and kisses the side of my head. "Drama queen."

I stick my tongue out at him.

"Did we miss anything important?" Will asks.

"Two freshman girls got into a really pathetic fight literally just scream hitting each other and screaming 'you whore!' over and over," Jason tells us with a snicker. "It was funny."

"Sounds wonderful," Will says sarcastically.

"You have any videos?" I ask.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone cause they were confiscating phones and deleting the videos so I could be in trouble for having a video," Percy says, pulling out his phone and texting it to me. "So don't watch it here."

Being back at school sucks, especially because I know I only have two weeks left of parole and at any moment any of the assholes around me could ruin that for me. My birthday is also a week away, and though Will promises not to make a huge deal out of it I don't know if i believe him. I think he'll think making a big deal of it will help distract me from how hard my birthday is for me. I'm still not used to not having Ma and Bianca there to celebrate with me.

Hopefully if he does do something it works and distracts me, but I doubt it. I just hope it doesn't accidentally make it worse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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