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I tried to distract him with old Disney channel movies and tv shows but it didn't seem to be working. He never laughed, even at parts that I know he normally would have, he didn't even crack a smile. He just stayed curled up in my side, blank faced and saying nothing.

"Do you wanna talk?" I ask him once again at around noon. Nico shakes his head. "Are you sure?" He nods.

About an hour later Nico finally speaks up.

"Remember that promise I made to you?" he asks.
I try to think and remember but he wasn't actually looking for my response, just reminding me why he was telling me this. "I wanna cut."

I take a deep shaky breath before I trust my self to talk without crying. "Why baby?" I ask, even though it's a kinda stupid question.

Nico chews on the insides of his cheeks. "People saw the video."

"Mom said she was gonna call the police department to see if they can do anything about getting it taken off the internet," I remind him. "I know people still saw it but hopefully they'll get it taken down so no more people see it."

"They still saw it."

"I know," I admit. "I wish I could do something."

"I don't wanna go back to that school," Nico says. "I'm gonna talk to Walker and see if I can just drop out."

"Of school?" I say snapping my attention to him.

He nods, "It's not worth it, I can just get my GED online or something."

"Maybe we can switch schools instead," I say trying to reason with him. "It would make your life so much harder if you didn't get your high school diploma."

He shrugs, "My life's already hard. And your gonna be some fancy doctor so it won't be a big deal if I have a low paying job. I'll just pay for your college so you won't have loans."

"If you don't even have a diploma how are you gonna get a job to pay for my school?"

"I've got money in my savings," he shrugs. "You can have it."

"Probably not medical school amount though."

"It's like a couple million," Nico says. "That should be fine."

My jaw drops, "You have two million dollars in your savings account."

"I can't get to it till I'm 18 but yeah."

"Holy smokes that's a lot of money."

"See, it'll be fine. I can just drop out."

"That's not what I meant," I say quickly. "But we'll figure something out if you dont wanna stay at Olympus."

He grumbles, "I bet anywhere I go in the area would fucking have seen that video by now."

"Maybe not," I say kissing the top of his head. "We'll figure it out, I promise."

He sighs, "Okay."

We continue watching the movie for a bit and he seems to relax a small amount.

"I need to go to the bathroom," he says pushing himself off me and walking out the door. Out of habit I check the time and when he sees he rolls his eyes. "Give me a little extra time before freaking out, I need to shit."

"Okay," I say letting him leave. I watch the clock and when it starts approaching ten minutes I get concerned. He's either very constipated or not 'taking a shit.'

I get up and head towards the bathroom, but the doors open and he's not in there. I go to his bed room and the doors open, and he's not in there. Now it's time to freak out. I practically run down the stairs, almost tripping over Mrs. O'leary, to see if he's in the kitchen or something. He's not there either.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now