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Now Nico has to deal with another trail, and saying he's not happy about it would be the understatement of the year.

"Cant you just go for me?" Nico was complaining. "You were there too, and you remember it better than I do."

"That's not how it works love," I say calmly, as he stirs his pasta aggressively.

"I get fucking drugged and yet I still have to go sit through a boring trail where fucking lawyers try and convince the jury that it's not as big of a deal and they deserve a lesser sentence because of some bullshit excuse," Nico says, waving his free hand around. "They use my track record against me to try and make them look better or whatever and they get away with a slap on the wrist cause their daddy's rich."

I wanted to say that his daddy's rich too but that doesn't seem like something I should bring up right now, since that's one of the trails he's stressing about.

"I'm sure they'll get more than a slap on the wrist," I try to reassure him. "There were witnesses."

"Your the only one that wasn't in on the plan though," Nico scoffs. "No one else has stepped forward, and if they do I'm sure they'll say the same thing the fucking guys said. That I did the ketamine of my own free will and attacked them."

"They don't really believe that though," I remind him. "Remember what Walker said? That the cuts in your chest look too organised and deliberate to be fight wounds."

"Yeah well I still have a history of drugs and fighting so," Nico huffs. He stirs the pot a little too aggressively and some of the boiling water splashes out onto his hand but he doesn't even flinch, just jerks his hand back to avoid more water and shakes the water off.

I finally decide that I'm not gonna be able to convince him other wise and just stop talking. I go up behind him and put my arms around his waist and put my chin on his head while he cooks.

"It'll be alright," I say softly, kissing his head.

He grunts in response and leans back against me.

"Hey Will!" Mom calls from the front room, "Can you come here a second."

"Coming," I say stepping back. I hadn't realised how much weight Nico was leaning on me until he went stumbling back when I was suddenly gone. "Sorry!"

He glares at me, "I hate you."

I give him a quick kiss on his snarling lips and head to the front room. Moms sitting on the couch with her laptop open and a deep frown on her face.

"Nicos father emailed me," she says solemnly.

"What?" I hurry up over to sit next to her and grab the laptop to read the email:

Tell Nico to come get his dumb dog. Alone.
-Hades Di Angelo

"We're not letting him go alone right?" I say.

"Course not," Mom scoffs. "You think Im stupid?"

"When did he send this?" I ask checking.

"3 hours ago," she says before I can find it. "I'm going to go get the dog, make up an excuse for me leaving if he notices."

"Maybe call Walker too, I don't think it's smart for you to go alone," I say.

"I'll have him on the phone, I think I need to go now. I've heard Nico talk about that dog before, if anything happens to her I think he'll be mad."

"Right right," I say, "Just go, call Walker and have him on the phone."

She stands up to get her keys and I go back to the kitchen with Nico.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now