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When they told him his dad was going to be spending a lot of time in jail, due to the investigation revealing a handful of felony's Mr. Diangelo has committed I expected Nico to cry, scream, punch a wall. Instead all he said is, "Okay," with a dangerously emotionless face.

Even as Walker goes through the list of charges, besides abusing Nico, he stays stoic. "Multiple varieties of assault, black mailing minors into doing sexual acts for him or his associates in order to keep or achieve jobs in his company, illegal possession and sale of weapons and illegal substances, contaminating evidence," Walker lists.

"Okay," Nico says again. "Can we go home?"

Walker frowns , "You don't seem surprised."

"He's a douche bag, I wouldn't be surprised if he was part of the Italian Mafia at this point," then he frowns as if thinking hard about something. "Did they check for that? There was a lot sketchy people around the house sometimes, mostly when we lived in Italy but still."

"Nico this is serious," I say softly. "I don't think it's really hit you yet."

"No it hit me," Nico says with a snicker like he is thinking of a good joke but doesn't care to share it. "I've just come to the conclusion that I don't care what happens to him."

I was not expecting this. I was expecting him to cry, I was expecting him to collapse into my arms and assure me that he wasn't always like this. Tell me about how when he was younger he used to take him and his sister to street fairs, and buy them anything they wanted. I was not expecting him to laugh and project complete apathy to the situation.

"Right now he's looking at 20 years with no chance of parole," Walker informs us.

"Cool, let him rot," Nico shrugs nonchalantly.

Walker frowns in my direction and I can tell what he's trying to tell me. Somethings off, you need to watch him. He doesn't need to tell me twice, or once I suppose since that's just what I interpreted from a look.

"Can we go home now?" Nicos asks, turning to me expectantly.

I look to Walker who nods in confirmation. "Course love," I say kissing the side of his head. "Whatever you want."

The rest of the week went by as per usual. Nico was only slightly off, but that was to be expected I suppose. He starts taking Mrs. O'leary on walks alone everyday, which worried me but he is never gone for more than 45 minutes so I know it's irrational.

The first time he shows any sort of emotion is when three police officers show up at our door step at 10 at night.

"Is there a Nico Di Angelo here?" one of the officers asks as soon as my mom opens the door, his voice carrying to the kitchen where I'm getting a glass of water.

"May I ask why you are here?" my mom asks pleasantly, though I can hear the tension in her voice.

"We have some news about his father," he said.

"Nico!" Mom calls up the stairs as I walk out towards the front door.

"What?" Nico yells back.

"Come here love," I yell up the stairs.

I wait at the bottom for him to come down, his hands shoved in his pajama bottoms pockets. He freezes in place when he sees the officers.

"What's going on?" he asks, his voice shaking. I notice him start to sway so I put my arm around him to keep him up right.

"Do you mind if we come in?" an officer with light brown hair asks.

"Yes of course," Mom says moving out of the way for them.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now