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"You didn't have to carry that for me," Nico grumbles for the tenth time since I snatched it from the backseat before he could. "I look like a princess now."

I roll my eyes, "You don't look like a princess. You look like a really hot guy who just went through two surgery's and shouldn't be carrying a heavy book bag."

He huffs but doesn't say anything else until we get to our lockers. I empty his bag out of everything he doesn't for sure need for his next few classes to make it as light as possible.

"Thank you," Nico says, sighing dramatically as he takes his backpack from me.

"NICO!" Percy and Jason yell in unison as they come running.

Nico rolls his eyes and I smile at our friends. "Hey guys!" I respond.

"How are you feeling?" Jason asks Nico. "Since you got all chopped up and all."

Nico shrugs, "Fine honestly. I keep forgetting it's there and doing shit that hurts and then being surprised by it."

Percy laughs, "I did that when I got my wisdom teeth out. I kept forgetting why I had gauze in my mouth and my Mom kept having to shove them back in before I kept talking about how much my jaw hurt."

"Yeah that sounds about right," Jason says patting him on the back.

By the end of the day Nico looks exhausted. His eyes are drooping and the circles under his eyes seem to have gotten even darker. He plops down on the bed and grimaces as he clutches his side cause once again he forgot he needs to be gentle with himself for a while.

"I want to go into a coma," Nico moans burying his face in a pillow. Mrs. O'leary lays her head on his back as if trying to comfort him.

"Don't put that into the universe," I scold him. "I don't know what Id do with myself if you were in a coma."

"You were in a coma for like a week and your mom stabbed me with a needle and knocked me out, I'm sure it couldn't end up any worse than that," he says bitterly.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," I say laying down next to him. I rub my hand on his back with the hope I can get him to take a nap.

"I feel like crying and I don't know why," Nico groans turning to face me. "I just feel drained."

I frown, "Anything I can do to help?"

He pauses for a moment clearly thinking and trying to decide. "Can we cuddle and watch Disney shows?"

I grin at him, "Course we can. Is that even a question?"

I get my laptop from my bag and set it up in front of us while Nico curls himself up in my side. I let him choose what to watch and he chooses another classic Disney show- we've been working our way through all of them.

With Wizards of Waverley Place now playing Nico completely relaxes into my arms. I rub his back softly and play with his hair off and on. He sighs and I can tell he's about ready to fall asleep. He keeps doing that little jerky thing he does when he's falling asleep that I've found absolutely adorable since the very first time we slept together.

Nico falls asleep, his head falling down to a very uncomfortable looking angle so I have to move down till I'm practically horizontal to prevent him from waking up with a very sore neck.

After about thirty minutes Nico jerks awake as if he was woken by a loud bang or something. He looks around a little frantically before his eyes focus on me and he sighs.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I-I just had a dream, I'm fine." He lays back down on my chest, drawing himself practically on top of me.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now