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I left the school entirely knowing damn well I had three classes left. I went to the park close to my house, but not too close just in case my dad came home early and drove past the one down the street and saw me. I didn't want to chance going home to see my dad or even my half-sister Hazel home already. As close as we've grown over the past two years since I met her, I didn't feel like trying to explain this to her.

I sat on the grass under a tree for the next three hours until I realized that it was almost 4 o'clock meaning I likely would already be home and my sister should be too. I started walking in the direction of my house when suddenly I hear someone shout my name from behind me.

"Wait, Nico?" I turn to see Percy and, with just my luck, Will starting to jog towards me.

"Oh cazzo questo," I grumble as I start to run as fast as I can towards my house, hoping they would get the message that I do not want to talk to them.

Unfortunately, they start running too. I start getting flashbacks to the times I was running from those dicks back at my old schools to try and avoid another fight but shake my head roughly to snap out of it.

"Hey wait up!" Will yells. "Please I just wanna talk to you!"

Thankfully we weren't far from my house and before I knew it I was approaching my house gate. Percy and Will were faster than they seemed because they got to my house only seconds after I did, barely giving me the time to even think about punching in the code for the gate.

They were both panting but Will managed to choke out, "Why did you run?"

I roll my eyes, "Ever think I didn't want to talk to you?"

"Why wouldn't you want to talk to Will? He's your soulmate!" Percy says it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, he's not," I snap as the gate starts to slowly open.

"Yes, he is," Percy retorts.

"I just wanna talk, okay?" Will says, well more like pleads. "We'll leave soon I swear."

"Nico?" I hear my sister call from the now-open front door. "Did you finally make some friends?" she teases putting her hands on her hip.

I roll my eyes again, "No these guys just followed me home."

"Ha-ha," she mocks, "Very funny."

"No I'm serious," I say blankly.

"We're not stalkers we just need to talk to you!" Will tries to explain.

"Dads not home so you're fine, they can come in for a while," Hazel says motioning them over.

Percy and Will beam with gratitude and I stomp on Hazel's foot as we walk in the door.

"Hey!" she snaps, "I'm trying to make you social for once in your life." she sticks her tongue out at me as she walks upstairs.

"Vaffanculo," I grumble throwing my backpack on the floor and turning to the intruders. "What do you want?"

Will is chewing the insides of his cheeks, "I just wanted to talk to you because of the whole soulmate thing."

"I've already told you, you got the wrong guy," I snap, trying to seem as dickish as I could hoping they would just leave me alone. Maybe if I seem openly hostile they'll think I'm a serial killer or something and will leave faster.

"We both know that's wrong," Percy interjects with.

I walk over to the front room and sit down on an armchair and they sit across from me on the sofa.

"We both have the same scars and cuts," Will tries to explain, "I'm not wrong, why are you so scared of the idea?"

My eyes lock with his, "I'm not scared of anything," I growl. "I'm just not a fan of idiots following me home."

Will pulls up his sleeves again revealing the cuts and scars littering them. "I'm not wrong, and you know it."

I felt nauseous seeing my cuts on someone else. It was always one thing knowing there was someone out there who got all my injuries and another knowing the person. I tore my eyes away from him to stop myself from throwing up or passing out or both.

"Like I said before, sorry to see that but you have the wrong guy. So I'd like for you to leave now," I say, knowing my voice had lost its previous edge.

Will rolls down his sleeves thankfully so I was able to bring my gaze back from the floor to meet his eyes. I always like to at least try and maintain eye contact with people to show I'm not scared of them.

"I saw your arm earlier, I know yours look the same," his eyes start welling up with tears so I have to
look away again. I'm not good with emotions, especially when they have anything to do with me.

"Just get the fuck out of my house alright?" I snap at him. "I've told you ten million fucking times already that your wrong, now get out."

As if emphasising my statement I hear the door to the garage slam open and shut. My blood runs cold as I jump up and step around the corner, seeing my dad standing there staring back at me with a look of complete anger on his face.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now