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TW: Suicidal thoughts/attempt

The door woke me up when it creaked open and I saw Nico going out into the hallway. I decided not to freak out and follow him since he was probably just going to the bathroom. I decided I would wait for a little while for him to come back, checking the clock to make sure he wasn't gone for more than a few minutes.

I must have fallen back asleep though because suddenly when I look back at the clock it is 20 minutes later. I look over to see if Nico is next to me, and when he isn't I decide it's time to freak out and jump up as fast as I can manage.

I can see the light is on in the bathroom but this time when I try to open it it's locked.

"Nico!" I yell. "Let me in."

"Fanculo," I heard him curse under his breath. "I'm fine Will, just going to the bathroom."

"You've been in there for 20 minutes, open the door," I demand, frantically pulling on the door knob.

"I'm shitting?" he says more as a question than anything. His words sound a little slurred and I wonder if he's managed to get his hands on some liquor.

"Good try, open the door," I snap. "Now Nico."

"No," he says. "I said I'm fine, go back to sleep."

I roll up my sleeves and see my arms littered with fresh cuts, criss crossing with the ones that were healing.

"I can see the cuts on my arms!"

"I'm fine!" he chokes. I can hear him fall over but catch himself.

Looking at my arm I see one that's worryingly deep across my wrist and I know damn well is bleeding everywhere in there based on the artery's I know he's cut.

"Open the damn door!" I yell.

"What's going on?" Mom says running into the hallway.

"Just leave me alone!" Nico yells. "Go back to sleep!"

"Open the damn door Nico or I swear to god I will kick the door in," I yell back slamming my shoulder into the door as hard as I can.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?" Mom asks.

"I don't know yet," I say trying to get the door open.

"No!" Nico says quickly.

"Then open the damn door Nico, or I will," I say through gritted teeth.

"Fine fine," he slurs. I hear the lock unclick and I immediately slam the door open.

Nico falls back trying to avoid getting hit by it and falls on his back groaning in pain.

There's blood all over the counter and gauze from where he evidently was trying to stop the bleeding. I fall to my knees next to him and grab his arm. Mom passes me fresh gauze to start applying pressure to the deep cut across his wrist.

"Im sorry," Nico says as he starts crying. "Im sorry Im sorry."

"Shhh," I shush him, tightening my hold on his wrist. "It's okay, your gonna be okay."

"I don't want to be," he whimpers, so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"Well your going to be," I say firmly. "I can't loose you Nico."

"Why can't you just let me go," he sobs.

"Let me see," Mom says kneeling next to me and grabbing his arm. "How long has it been bleeding like this?"

"He left the bedroom about 20 minutes ago, I accidentally fell back asleep when he left," I cry, shaking so hard I almost can't stay upright. "This is all my fault."

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now