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CW: Nightmares


Watching Will try and teach himself how to play ukulele is very entertaining honestly. He's already really good at it but every once in a while he struggles and he makes this adorable face of concentration where he sticks his tongue between his teeth and lowers his brows.

I snort as he fucks up another chord and he shoots a glare at me. He goes back to playing and immediately gets the chord correct the next time. He turns and smirks at me proudly.

I dont know how long I lay there doing nothing but watch him but by the time he notices I look at the clock and see it's been an hour since the last time I even checked.

"Enjoying the show?" Will teases.

I blush but nod anyways. "'Course I am," I smile.

"Such a worthless little faggot," Will snarls. He shakes his head in frustration and goes back to playing his beautiful melody as if nothing had happened.

I freeze and stare at him in shock. "What?"

"You heard me."

Tears begin to fill my eyes but I decide not to say anything. I lay my head back down and go back to trying to just enjoy the music.

"Stop looking at me like that," Will snaps suddenly.

I frown, "Like what?"

His head snaps to me, his neck cracking loudly, and his eyes glow red, "Like you want me to fuck you senseless. You and I both know you'd like that."

Suddenly he's no longer Will, but Peter.

I lurch away and try to run out of the room but the second I try to get out the door Eli stops and grabs me by my middle and hoists me into his arms with a maniacal laugh. "Thought you could get away that easy?"

"Nice try," Peter adds.

"You deserved all of this Nico," Wills voice comes from the bed. "Why would I want to be with such a whore?"


"Why would he ever love you?" Peter snarls in my ear.

"You're just a fucked up little coke whore," Eli adds.

"Not even I could love you," Dads voice says from right behind me. I lurch around to find him towering over me. "I had to kill myself just to make sure I never had to see your face again."

Tears are streaming down my face so quickly I feel the carpet beneath my feet grow wet. "Please just leave me alone," I choke out.

"Never," Peter and Eli say as they push me towards the bed at Will.

He grabs me and pins me to the bed, "Fucking slut."

I scream and lurch up in bed and find Will standing over me. "Please don't hurt me," I beg and throw my arms over my face to try and protect my head from any blows. "I'm sorry!"

"Nico, Nico it's okay it was just a nightmare," Will says gently as he try's to pull my arms from my face. "You're safe."

I curl up into a ball on my side and sob so hard for a second I think I'm going to throw up.

"Can I hold you?" Will asks quietly.

I shake my head, "Please don't touch me."

"Okay," he says easily. He gets to his knees on the side of the bed in front of my face and leans his head on his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head again and wrap my hands in my hair and pull hard, trying to tether myself back to the present. Will gently removes them by gripping my wrists gently, "Don't hurt yourself my love."

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