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Waking up in a strange bed wrapped in the arms of Will Solace, not remembering how I got there should have been absolutely terrifying, at least till I remembered how I got there but it wasn't. I feel the safest I've ever felt in years. And that's what scares me the most. Although my instincts are to jump up and run out of this house as fast as possible, it still takes all my willpower to not just lay there on Will's chest for as long as he'll let me. Instead of either of those horrible ideas, I peel myself off him and to the opposite side of the bed all while trying not to wake him up. The last part fails.

As I try to move away from him, Will, who's only partially awake, reaches out and pulls me back into him. I lay still for a second waiting for him to go back to being fully asleep, I stare at the bruised eye underneath the cut on his forehead while I wait before trying again. With my luck, this time it woke him up completely. I take that as my chance to quickly jump out of bed so I'm a safe distance away from him.

Will looks startled at my sudden movements, "Are you okay?"

I try not to get too distracted by his bedhead and raspy morning voice but that's honestly really difficult. I already thought he was fucking gorgeous.

I shake my head to try and concentrate. "F-Fine," I say, though it comes out as more of a whimper.

Will's eyebrows furrow with a look of curiosity and concern. "Are you sure? You jumped out of bed like it was on fire," the corners of his lips start forming a small smile.

"Sorry," I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You should lay back down, you look exhausted still and it's the weekend so," he shrugs nonchalantly, though I can see the hopeful glint in his eye.

I shake my head a little too quickly, "Nope, I'm fine. Wide awake." It was the truth technically, but only because I was still so startled by the fact that I woke up in Will Solace's arms and liked it. I can feel my heartbeat in places where you shouldn't be able to feel your heartbeat. I'm chewing the insides of my cheek so hard I can taste blood, and then realize he probably can taste the blood too and immediately stop.

Will sits up fully and looks at me quizzically. "Are you feeling alright? Does your head still hurt from last night?" He moves to the other side of the bed and stands up next to me. Before I register what he's doing my head is in his hands and he's inspecting the glued shut cut on my forehead.

I pull away instinctively, pushing his hands away, probably a little too aggressively but it's early and I'm not thinking straight. Will looks hurt and starts to chew on his bottom lip in concern.

The door swings open revealing his mother standing in the doorway. "I thought I heard voices, how are you feeling Nico?" She starts to walk over to me too and I quickly realize they have me cornered between the bed, the wall, and the two of them. My fight or flight instincts come in instantly and I push Will out of my way so I can rush to the open area of his bedroom. He stumbles and has to catch himself on the wall next to him.

My heartbeat thumps in my ears so loud I almost don't hear his mom sneer at me, "Don't you dare put your hands on my son like that ever again." She starts creeping towards me, trying to get in between me and Will I presume.

The look in her eyes reminds me of too much of the look my father gives me sometimes, so I back up so fast I accidentally trip over a pile of books on the ground and fall on my ass.

Will grabs his mom's shoulder to stop her from closing in on me. "Stop he's just freaked out," he tries to explain to her.

He walks over to me slowly with his hands up and crouches down next to me. He put his hand out to help me up but I flinch away worried he's gonna hit me.

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