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Cute little(I say as it's like 4,000 words) fluff chapter since latley Ive been apparently just wanting to put Nico through hell and back.


The rest of the week went by in a blur. I was stuck in my own head for most of it, not paying attention to what anyone was saying. I sat in the one on one therapies in complete silence, ignoring everything the lady said. She could have told me I was better and got to leave early and I wouldn't have heard her.

"I'm taking you on a date this weekend," Will says randomly on the drive home from PHP.

I turn and look at him quizzically. "Why? You know I don't like cheesy dates, there stupid and pointless especially when we already live together."

"Because I want to," Will grins. "I already have it planned and everything so you can't say no."


He glares at me halfheartedly, "You never let me spoil you and I'm gonna make you let me this weekend. So suck it up."

"Remember the last time we went on a date and I got stabbed?" I remind him.

"That won't happen again, we won't be anywhere near your old school. Either of them."

I can tell there is no getting out of this so I relent. "What are we doing?"

"It's a surprise," Will smiles so widely I think the sun shined though him and blinded me momentarily. Jesus, Will and his sappiness is rubbing off on me.

"Asshole," I grumble.

"Because I won't tell you what I have planned I'm an asshole?"


"I'll accept that then," he chuckles.

"If you take me to some fake Italian place I'll kill you," I add.

"I'm not taking you to some fake italian place I promise," he laughs.

"Good, because I will throw a fit and leave a bad yelp review out of spite."

"Your such a drama queen."

"I'm your drama queen though," I smirk at him.

"Yes you are."

"I didn't even know I owned a dress shirt," I complain as I walk back into Wills room wearing it.

"You didn't," Will said grinning widely at me. "I got it for you."

I roll my eyes, "How much was it? I'm paying you back."

"Just seeing you wearing it is payment enough," he says kissing my forehead. "Now let's go, our reservations are at 8."

"It's barley 6:30," I point out like he's an idiot because he is one.

"It's an hour and half away," he says like its nothing.

"Excuse me?" I gawk at him. "I don't wanna sit in the car for that long just to go to some restaurant where you probably hired a fucking violinist and have rose petals covering the table."

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not stupid enough to do that when I know it would just embarrass you, and I promise your gonna love it. It's taken me a while to find this restaurant."

"Fine," I grunt, "Let me put my shoes on."

I put my shoes on then we got in the car and drove the fucking 2 hours for food. I'll never admit this to him but it was actually nice to just sit and talk to him in the car, even if the whole time I was slightly panicking about what he had planned.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt