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I'm never gonna get tired of waking up next to Nico. Even waking up to my annoying alarm clock I'm still perfectly content because I've got Nico in my arms.
Nico does not feel the same way, judging by the fact that he all but punches my alarm clock and knocks it to the ground.

"Fuck you," he grumbles at it.

"Good morning to you too," I say with a chuckle.

"That was pointed at you by the way," he clarifies.

"What did I do?" I ask incredulously, "I just woke up too!"

"You're the one who set it for 6:30 in the fucking morning," he growls burying his head in my chest.

"When do you normally wake up?" I ask.

"7:20," he grumbles.

"Then how did you make it to the bus at 7:30?"

"Magic," he says sardonically. "I'm gonna start sleeping in my room on school nights just so I can wake up at 7:45."

"Why would you wake up at the time we need to leave?"

"We don't need to leave till 7:50," he grumbles.

"Well too bad, we're leaving here at 7:45," I inform him and get an angry groan in response. "Now let me up so I can get ready, I'll wake you up at 7."

He holds onto me tighter, "Just 5 more minutes."

"I just said you can go back to sleep love," I say chuckling trying to pry him off me.

"No, with you," he says nuzzling his head into my chest. "I don't want you to get up yet."

I can't help but smile, "Normally I can't even get you to cuddle but now I can't get you off me, what am I gonna do with you?"

"You're the one that wanted me to move in," he reminds me though he sounds like he's about to fall back asleep.

I lay there for 5 more minutes, even though he fell back asleep within 30 seconds so I would have been able to just get up. I couldn't bring myself to get up when I knew he wanted me there for just a little while longer, so I lay there running my hands through his messy bedhead for 5 more minutes.

When I finally get up I just about lay right back down because even asleep he tightens his hold on me and whimpers when I get free of him.

I can't help but smile so wide my cheeks hurt as I remember how just a couple of months ago when I first met him, just my presence set him on edge. Now he lets me hold him while we fall asleep, kiss him, and hug him as much as I want. Of course, he has his days where he still doesn't want me to even sit within a foot of him, but that's okay. I will always respect him when he needs space, it's not gonna happen overnight that all his accumulated trauma from his years of abuse is gonna just melt away and he's gonna be 100% comfortable with me.

I finally wake him up at about 7:30, much to his displeasure, and I'm already completely dressed and ready for the day.

"Fuck off," Nico groans for about the hundredth time, hiding his face under a pillow.

"You've got to get up," I say pulling the comforter down and taking his pillow.

"Fuck you!" Nico snaps at me.

"You would," I say smirking at him.

He turns bright pink and crosses his arms.

"I hate you," he grumbles as he peels himself out of bed.

"Oh, you love me," I say grabbing him and pulling him into a hug.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself," he says sardonically as I let go of him.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now