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Mrs. O'Leary looks a lot better, but she's still way to skinny and not nearly as energetic as she normally is. When they bring her out to the waiting room where Will and I are sitting she slowly trots over to me wagging her tail and plops her big head in my lap. Her big brown eyes look at me with nothing but love and excitement and her tongue lols lazily out of her panting mouth.

"Hey girl," I smile at her scratching behind her ears. "How do you feel?"

Of course she doesn't respond because that would be something out of a horror movie. The vet that brought her out responds instead. "We got her weight up and heeled any of her little wounds here and there, but your still gonna need to give her that medicine every night for a couple more weeks just to keep her improving. Stacey said she already talked to you about her diet to get her back up to her previous weight, do you have any questions about any of this?"

"No," I say still petting Mrs. O'leary. "I think I got it."

"Alright, well once you pay at the front desk and get her medication your free to take her home," she says with a smile and turns and walks away.

I hand Will my wallet, "Can you go pay and stuff for me?"

"Course," he says giving Mrs. O'leary a pat on the back as he gets up and moves to the front desk.

I move so I'm sitting on the floor with her and she lays her top half on my lap as she always does. I put my arms around her and she knocks her head against mine a few times until she finally decides to just put her head on my shoulder to hug me back.

"Awe shes hugging you," some lady says from somewhere behind me.

I ignore her and continue hugging my dog. I really missed her, and she clearly missed me too.

Will walks back over with a white paper bag in his hand and smiles down at me. "I got the meds," he says. "We can go now."

I stand up and take hold of her leash, "Cmon girl, time to go home."

She gets up and follows us out to the car, I stop by some grass so she can go to the bathroom before she jumps into the backseat with me.

"She looks better," Will says as he starts the car.

"Yeah," I say as she adjusts to sitting in my lap. "She's not as heavy though, you can still see her ribs."

"Well they did say that's why we'll have to feed her that special diet," Will reminds me. "She'll be okay."

"I know," I shrug, "I feel bad though."

"I know love, but I think she understands and forgives you."

As if on cue she licks my arm and I can't help but smile. "Is that a yes pretty girl?" I ask her. She licks me again.

Wills smiling at me in the rear view mirror but I ignore him. When we get home I lead Mrs. O'leary outside and to the backyard. I don't want her shitting in Wills house or something when Wills moms already probably trying to find a good way to break it to me that I can't keep her.

Wills tried to assure me that his moms allergy's aren't that bad, and that she already has a doctors appointment to gets meds to help but I don't know. I don't see why she would go to so much trouble just so I could keep my dog. Wills mom is at work right now so I don't have to worry about keeping her away from Mrs. O'leary right now at least. She's covering a night shift for a friend.

I bring her inside and show her where Will has already set up a bowl of water for her, and her food dish.

Will seems to have understood that I wanted alone time with my dog because when we got home he had went upstairs so I could show her around myself.

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