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"That was terrible," Nico groans as he faceplants onto the bed.

"I know darling," I grimace, remembering the face Nico made when Aunt Aubrey ordered him extra food when he tried to order something small because "he's far too skinny". She then proceeded to get angry with him when he didn't come even close to finishing it. In the end, Nico slapped his credit card down on the table and walked outside to wait in the car.

"How much damage did that dinner do to my bank account?"

"I only let her use it for me you and Ma," I tell him," So it was 240."

He shrugs, "That's not bad."

"Yeah, the whole bill together was nearly 1,000."

"I figured as much."

"And yet you still said whatever I'll pay and threw your card at her," I snicker, laying down next to him to play with his hair.

"It was either that or I stabbed someone or myself with those fancy steak knives."

"Very glad you didn't do that."

"Am I really 'practically lethargic?'" he asks, clearly feeling self-conscious.

"You're not," I say firmly.

"All of your cousins agreed with her though that I seem like a dead man walking," he frowns.

"You're just quiet around people and my family's loud, and this dinner just happened to be with all the people I don't really get along with. I have other cousins that I know you'll love and they'll love you."

Nico still didn't look convinced but he didn't push it. We sat there a cuddled for a little while longer until eventually we got up and got ready for bed.

Whenever Aunt Aubrey wasn't around the week was quite pleasant. We were just stuck helping her and some of my cousins get prepared for the annual Solace family reunion.

"Come on smile for once!" I hear Aunt Aubrey say from the kitchen where I know Nico was getting a glass of water.

I groan and drop the table I had been dragging to the backyard to step in.

I find Nico practically cornered with my aunt talking to him in a very suspiciously hushed voice.

"What's going on," I snap and both of them jump.

"Oh I was giving him the shovel talk," She smiles innocently, but I can tell by the look on her face that even if that was true it was not the usual shovel talk.

"Just leave him alone," I snap a little more harshly than I had intended.

She puts her hands up in mock surrender and leaves the room. I rush to Nico's side, "Are you okay?"

He nods, "It's fine, I'm used to it."

I frown deeper, "What did she say to you?"

"Just the unusual you're not good enough for my nephew, you're so sad and pathetic all the time, you better be more friendly and energetic at my family reunion," he shrugs. "Blah blah."

My jaw drops, "She what!"

He shrugs again, trying to fake nonchalance but I see right through it. It got to him. "It's whatever."

I pull him into a hug and tuck my chin on top of his head. "Don't listen to her, I love you and you're perfect just how you are."

The night before the big reunion itself Nicos was nothing but a little ball of nervous pent-up energy. Laying in bed I pull him onto my chest and rub his back in a way that I hope is calming.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now