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When my mom finally got there she was still in her scrubs from work and Nico had been in the office for 25 minutes already. I had watched police cars and an ambulance pull up to the curb out the front window and paramedics bring Octavian out to take him to the hospital.

"What's going on?" Mom says when she spots me.

"I don't know, he's in that office," I say pointing to the principal's office. "A couple of police officers went in there a few minutes ago."

She motions for me to follow walks over and opens the door without knocking startling all 3 officers and the two principals to silence. They had previously all been shouting at Nico and each other.

"Nico don't say anything else," she tells him as we walk in. I wasn't sure why she had me come in until I saw Nico and realized he is on the verge of a panic attack. He's hiding it quite well but I can see the little twitches in his face and the way he clenches his hands into the sides of his pants so hard his knuckles are white. I hurry over and sit next to him on the couch and wrap my arms around him.

"Sir," one of the officers says firmly. "We need you to get off of the suspect."

"Suspect?" My mom says hautily. "He got into a high school fight, he wasn't found at a murder scene."

"I'm not leaving," I say firmly, holding onto Nico tightly. He leans into me slightly and I can feel his panicked heartbeat through his shirt and feel his labored breathing as I rub his back. His breathing steadies a little bit but his heart rate stays the same.

"Who are you two to Mr. Di Angelo?" the first officer, his name tag read Nickles, asks.

"I'm his guardian, he lives with my son Will and I," My mom says.

He looks at me expectantly. "I'm his boyfriend," I say.

I hear someone laugh but I don't see who it was.

"Has anyone called his parole officer Walker?" Mom asks.

"Officer Walker has the day off, but we have made contact with him and he said he will be here as soon as he can be," Officer Nickles says.

"I would like to hear what happened," Mom says turning to Nico.

I can feel him shaking and know he probably couldn't talk right now even if he wanted to so I answer for him. "Octavian came and got all in his face calling him and I faggots, and saying he's a coward and stuff. He grabbed Nico by the shirt because he was frustrated with Nico not getting upset with what he was saying and someone yelled to hit him. Nico being Nico probably said something to egg him on so Octavian punched him in the face and then kept trying to hit him again. Nico had his hands behind his back and was just dodging him until Octavian told him to stop being a coward and fight back. Then Nico punched him and when Octavian got back up he pulled his arm behind his back and pushed him to the ground. When he tried to get back up Nico pushed him back down and backed off."

"So it was self-defense?" Mom said furrowing her eyebrows.


"Then what's the problem here officers?"

"The problem is," Mr. D, the Principal starts, "That while he didn't throw the first physical punch he egged Octavian on until he hit him. And even though he started not fighting back, when he did he broke the kid's nose so bad he had to be sent to the hospital in an ambulance."

"Well if you get in a physical fight, a broken nose is a very common occurrence," Mom says. "If you get punched in the nose it's quite likely going to break."

"Nico got punched in the nose and he only had a bloody nose that stopped within a few minutes," Mr. Chiron chimed in.

"Well he didn't hit him hard enough," Mom said.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now