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"Will can you run to the store and get me some more milk?" his mom asks as I help her chop up vegetables for the stew shes only finally started cooking at 6 at night.

"Yeah, cmon Nico," Will says, getting his keys from the hook by the garage door.

"Nuh uh, he's helping me chop vegetables. Go by your self."

Will pouts, "I don't go anywhere by my self."

"I know, it's becoming concerning. Go by yourself," she said, making a shooing gesture towards the garage.

He huffs with his adorable little pout on his face. "It's not concerning," he argues, but turns and goes out to the garage to go to the store by himself. He had been petting Mrs. O'leary on the floor but now that's he's gone she's decided to come and bother me for attention, which of course I give her.

"That boy doesn't know how to do anything by himself anymore ever since you came along," she says with a light laugh, shaking her head fondly in bemusement.

"Sorry," I say, worried I was about to get a long talk about it.

"Oh it's not your fault," she says quickly. "I'm not mad, at either of you, just gotta make sure that both of you can still do things on your own."

I nod, though I don't really see the point. We've lived together since we had only been together for 3 months and plan on living together, well forever, so if we do everything together where's the harm? We're both very capable of doing things alone, it's just that we'd much rather be doing it together. It makes milk runs more interesting if your with the love of your life.

It's been 20 minutes and Will still isn't back. "Where the hell is my son, the store is maybe 5 minutes away if you hit all reds and are going under the speed limit."

I had been thinking the same thing and was starting to get antsy. Naomi and I have been doing our own thing in the kitchen paying little to no attention to each other as we make our part of tonight's dinner.

"Where's my phone?" I ask looking around. "I'll call him."

She turns around takes one look at me a gasps, "Holy shit. No no no."

I freeze. "What?"

She lunges towards me and I don't have time to back away before she has both hands on my face and wipes away blood from my eyebrow. I stare at the blood on her hands and my heart completely stops. I reach up my self and feel the whole left side of my face is covered in cuts and is already swelling. I can't breath, my whole body is shaking so much I fall down to my knees on the floor. "No no no no no," I choke out, trying to get myself to breath or to think. Mrs. O'leary shoves her face in mine and tries to lick her way through my hands but eventually gives up and just puts her big head in my lap.

Naomi goes and finds her phone, immediately calling the hospital she works at to see if Wills been taken there. I don't know how much times passes between them answering and her kneeling on the ground in front of me. "Let's go Nico, he's being taken there," she says calmly. "Come on."

I let her help me up and she practically has to carry me out to the car. It feels like a dream and I don't even know what happened. I can just tell it's bad from my face. Naomi's talking but I can't hear her, the blood in rushing through my ears and I keep having to remind myself to breath.

She parks haphazardly and helps me out of the car and up to the ER. Immediately we have people swarming us, trying to figure out what's wrong with me which only freaks me out more. I try to hide in Naomi's side which only causes me to get blood all over her dress.

"Back up!" Naomi yells, her arms wrapped around me protectively. "My sons his soulmate and he's hurt!"

Eventually we get rushed back by a nurse who's rattling off things about a semi and internal bleeding and possible brain damage. She sets us in an empty room and tells us to wait for Will to get out of surgery.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now