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AN: (feel free to skip not important) sorry I've posted like two chapters in the last two months or something outrageous like that. I'm going through a lot right now and my life of a bit of a fecal festival which is making it very difficult for me to feel creative. You guys could probably already tell something was going on cause i feel like the past ten chapters have been a bit of a mess. I'm probably gonna go back and reread this whole thing this weekend cause that always helps me get back into writing and adding to it. But it also shows me all the holes in the plot, like how Mrs. O'leary only randomly appears when I remember she lives with them now.

We get home at about 5:00 P.M, two days after Nico was brought to the hospital so Mom decides she is just going to order from Nicos favorite Chinese place, Wild Basil. Nico, Mom, and I are all sitting in the living room watching Greys Anatomy-we finally suckered Nico into the show as well and now he is hooked-and I have Nico laying against me with my arms around him. Mrs. O'leary is laying her head in Nicos lap.

It feels nice to have Nico back home and in my arms. It still hurts to hold him too tightly but I work through the pain as much as I can because I know it calms him down when I hold him tightly. He keeps playing with my fingers like he always does when he's upset and doesn't feel great. Every so often though he moves my finger weird and it hurts since he happens to be holding my broken arm and he jumps when he hears my sharp in take of breath.

"Sorry I'll stop," he says, only to start again 5 minutes later.

I kiss the back of his neck softly, "You okay?"

He nods, "I'm fine."

I sigh, "Are you sure? You seem like you want to say something."

He shakes his head, turning towards me a little more so he can curl up in my arms more. "I'm good," he says, rubbing the side of his face into my chest like a cat.

"You're just like a little black cat," mom muses, as if she read my mind.

I smile and drag my good hand through his hair gently, "I've always thought you reminded me of a cat."

Nico humphs dramatically and plops his hand on Mrs. Olearys head for emphasis. "I'm a dog person."

"But you act like a cat," I say teasingly.

"And you act like a big golden retriever," he retorts.

I grin, "Thank you."

He rolls his eyes, "You're a deficiente."

"What's that mean?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Scemo," he responds easily.



"Oh! Is it just another word for stupid?"

"Pretty much," he shrugs.

The doorbell rings and Mom gets up to get our food, tipping the delivery person and carrying the bags to the kitchen. I push Nico up gently and he sighs dramatically as he stands up and heads to the kitchen.

I stand behind him as he makes our bowls just cause I really want to be close to him right now. I'm definitely getting in his way though because I'm causing him to have to slightly lean on the counter and my arms are around his torso. He doesn't mind though, he's learned to adapt to my clinginess when he knows I'm feeling stressed.

I kiss his head in thanks when he passes me my bowl and then we head back to the couch to continue watching our show. He leans against my side as we eat and once he's done he cuddles up to me while I finish.

He's half asleep by the time I'm done and set my bowl on the coffee table. It's only a little after 6 but he hasn't slept very well for the past few nights so I can't blame him for being tired.

"Tired?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. His eyes are half closed and he nods clumsily against my shoulder. I can't help but smile at how adorable Nico is when he's so sleepy. I kiss the side of his head softly. "Wanna go to bed Neeks?"

"After this episode," he responds after a thoughtful pause.

I chuckle a little and pull Nico into my side so we can finish the episode. As I expected though, he falls asleep before the end.

"For someone with insomnia he sure has no problem sleeping in your arms," Mom comments with a barley hidden smile on her lips.

I push some of the hair out of his face, "He's just tired. He's had a hard couple of days."

"All of us did, his was just more physically challenging since he was having to finish detoxing off fentanyl."

I sigh, pressing my cheek on the crest of his head. "I know, my poor baby."

She snickers, "Don't let him hear you call him that."

I huff out a laugh. "I wouldn't dare, he'd cut out my vocal chords to be sure I didn't dare do it again."

"Do you want some help carrying him upstairs?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No, if he wakes up in your arms I think he'd freak out. I don't want him to accidentally hurt you or himself trying to get away. I'll just wake him here in a minute since I don't think I can carry him myself yet."

She shrugs, "If you say so. If you need me I'll be in my room reading."

"Alright, goodnight Ma."

"Goodnight sweetie," she says coming over to kiss my forehead.

I sit there holding Nico while he sleeps for about ten more minutes, just cause it felt really nice to hold him like this. When I do finally decide to wake him, I only shake him gently so that he doesn't wake all the way up. I just need him to be able to walk mostly on his own.

"Let's go upstairs?" I practically whisper when Nico hums in acknowledgment of me waking him up.

He nods and I help push him off the couch and put my arm around him to keep him from running into anything. We get up to bed and thankfully we changed into our pajamas when we got home so all Nico wanted me to do was take his pants off for him. He almost always sleeps in his boxers and tshirt. He says I'm a human space heater and he doesn't want to die of over heating.

I throw his sweats to the side and then crawl in next to him, and he immediately curls himself into me and falls back to sleep.

AN: Sorry it's so short. It's just a filler so that I could get out my AN at the beginning of the chapter cause y'all deserved to know I was alive just not thriving lol

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now