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I was able to convince Nico to just stay at my house for the weekend, though he did put up quite a big fight about it before reluctantly agreeing.

"I don't even have any clothes though," Nico adds.

"You can borrow mine," I shrug, "They'll probably be big but I'll give you sweatpants so you can tie them and a sweatshirt so it doesn't matter?"

Nico blushes a little which I find absolutely adorable. "Fine."

I smile victoriously, and at the prospect of Nico wearing my clothes. "We should go do something today," I finally say.

Nico looks at me reproachfully, "Like what?"

"I don't know," I glance at the clock and see it's already 10:32, "We could go to a late breakfast? Or early lunch I guess."


"You ask so many questions," I tease, "I don't know, what sounds good to you?"

"Nothing," Nico says blandly, "I'm not hungry."

I look at him questioningly, "I won't make you eat anything big, you already know that."

Nico rolls his eyes, "What is it with people not understanding the words not hungry."

"No I understand what you are saying, and that's why you have to eat something, even if it's small," I cross my arms and look at him with my best impression of my mom.

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, but no where fancy."

I think for a moment, before having a glorious idea. "Let's have a picnic!" I exclaim excitedly. "Look outside it's the perfect day for a picnic!"

Nico looks out the window at the cloudless sky, "Fine, if you want to."

I clap excitedly, and I watch as Nico tries to hide a small smile. He turns away blushing before it's able to grow into anything bigger than a small smirk but I definitely saw it.

I pack four sandwiches in a big lunch bag my mom used to take to swim meets for me when I was younger, along with a bag of chips, some grapes, three bottles of water, and a few capri suns. Nico sits at the island table in the kitchen watching me collect everything, trying to look bored but I see him smirk in amusement at me a couple times when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Bye Mom!" I call upstairs as I pick up the bag and start to head towards the front door.

"Bye, text me if you need me and have your location on!" she calls.

I roll my eyes, she only ever says that if I'm going somewhere she disapproves of— or in this case with someone she disapproves of.

"Do you have the keys to my car?" Nico asks.

"There in my pocket," I answer. I had already asked Nico if we could take his car instead of mine or my moms just because it makes me feel fancy to drive a BMW. I also don't feel like chancing breaking down on the side of road by taking mine.

"Okay, don't crash my car," Nico says jokingly, though I don't know why he isn't completely serious. This car is worth more than me probably.

"Not planning on it, I don't feel like going bankrupt trying to buy you a new one."

Nico shrugs, "It wouldn't be a big deal, I have four others in my name. And a couple my dad always let me use though there technically his."

I look at him dumbstruck, "How do you say that so casually? Sometimes I forget your loaded." I say as we load into his freaking BMW.

Nico shrugs and an embarrassed blush creeps up his neck to his cheeks. I feel bad for embarrassing him, I was only joking and I know he try's his best to not gloat.

"Sorry I didn't think about how prissy that sounded," Nico says chewing his lip and picking at his fingers.

Without thinking I reach over and grab his hand in mine, and to my surprise he lets me. "Don't be, I'm messing with you. You don't need to apologise," I squeeze his hand.

I start to pull out of the driveway with one hand and soon realise I need my other, though the last thing I want to do is let go of Nicos hand. I try to ignore the fact that when I let go, he held on a little longer and then looked at me like I kicked his dog when he thought I wasn't looking. The second I was turned around I reached back over and took his hand again, and try to focus on the road and not the fact that he was suppressing a smile.

I was surprised how just this morning he had gone from pushing me away not wanting me to touch him, to crying into my chest, to actually smiling and holding my hand. He was extremely confusing, but I wouldn't have it any other way. All I wanted was to get to know everything about the boy next to me, holding my hand. I wanted to know everything from his favourite color, to his deepest desires and dreams.

After only knowing him for a few weeks, I was clearly already falling deeply in love with him, although I knew I didn't know much about him.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now