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Yep, definitely sick. The weathers started to get really cold and I tend to get sick during this time because of it but it seems like it's much worse than last year.

"Here baby," Will says as he helps me sit up so I can eat the piece of toast he made me. "It might help settle your stomach a bit."

I sniff, "Doubt it."

He sighs and looks at me with his signature, Stop being so pessimistic Neeks, look. "Well then at least when you throw up again you'll have something besides water and orange juice in your stomach."

I groan but force myself to eat the buttered toast. Will sits on the edge of the bed and keeps running his fingers through my hair softly. Once I've finished the piece I hand the plate back to Will who sets it on his desk before coming back to bed to cuddle.

"I'm so glad it's the weekend," I huff. "I don't know what Id do if I had to stay here alone again."

"My Mom would have taken off work," he reminds me.

"Even worse," I grumble. I still haven't forgiven her for what she did when Will was in the hospital and I don't really plan on ever forgiving her.

Will sighs but doesn't say anything, just keeps massaging my head and rubbing my back so I can hopefully go to sleep again.

"You know it was around this time of year that we met," Will says softly. "You joined the school in the beginning of october."

"I did?" I ask, "I thought it was november."

"No, it was october," he confirms. "So we've officially known each other for about a year and a month ish."

"It feels like it's been much longer," I smile.

"And it was around mid December when you finally called me your boyfriend," Will adds with a happy smile on his face. "So our one year anniversary is coming up soon."

I can't help but grin. I open my mouth to say something about how much I love him or how happy I am or some other sappy shit I never would have thought would come out of my mouth if you asked me a year ago, but Im hit with a wave of nausea. I surge up and grab for the plastic trash can Will put by the bed in case I couldn't make it to the toilet. Will quickly realises what I'm reaching for and helps me grab it and get it under my mouth before I throw up all over his bed.

I heave into the trash can and Will helps me sit up fully to make it easier and rubs my back. He pulls my bangs back because there too short to put back in the little pony tail with the rest of my hair.

When I'm done I groan and hand it back to Will who immediately gets up to go clean it out for me. I feel absolutely terrible because this is the third time he's had to clean my literal vomit out of that trash can today. And that's not considering when I had appendicitis three weeks ago.

When he comes back he hands me a glass of water and an empty glass so I can rinse my mouth out. He then goes and empties the glass I spit into and gets me more fresh water. He than finally lays back down he asks me if I'm feeling any better.

I nod a little, "It didn't hurt as much since I had ate a little."

He smiles and kisses my cheek, "I told you so."

I roll my eyes and but cuddle back into him, slightly contradicting my eye roll. "Whatever."

"Just go to sleep," he chuckles. "I'll be right here."

It's takes three days for me to start feeling better enough to start moving around on my own.

"When I was little my mom used to always make me different soups whenever I was sick," I recount to Will Sunday night. "My favorite was always Pasta e Fabioli though cause it never upset my stomach no matter how sick I was."

Will runs his fingers through my hair softly. "Maybe we could doordash you some from a nearby restaurant? I know it wouldn't be as good but it might make you feel a little better."

I shake my head, "No it wouldn't be the same. I'd only trust La Piccola Italia and it would be so fucking expensive to doordash that." I can tell by the look on his face that he's probably still going to do it. "Please at least do it tomorrow cause it's so far it's gonna take like three hours to get here and I'm tired."

Will chuckles, "Okay, that'll be lunch tomorrow."

I groan, "You spoil me too much."

"No such thing!" he says incredulously. "You're sick, you deserve good soup."

I roll my eyes and move to turn the show up so he stops being soapy. This in turn makes him pull me closer and further on top of him so he can kiss all over my face because even though I'm sick he's apparently not scared of my germs. He's scared of the doctor because of his medical anxiety but not of getting sick. It makes no sense.

The first time I was sick around him and he kissed me he said, "My love for your protects me from your germs!" and I stopped questioning him. I never want to hear those words come out of my fucking dorks mouth again.

I push his face away and hide my face in his neck laughing. "Stop that!"

"Never!" he laughs, continuing to plant kisses in my hair.


He finally settles down but he's still clutching me to himself firmly. "I love you," he says. "I just wanted to show you."

"By kissing me like a maniac?"

He grins mischievously, "Exactly."

I roll my eyes again and lay back down on his chest and keep watching the show. Eventually I must have fallen asleep though I don't really remember if or when we ever decided to go to bed.

AN: Sorry this chapters kinda shit. I felt bad for leaving y'all hanging for so long and was literally getting like hundreds of comments asking when i was gonna update and if i'm okay😂 I'm good, I just started cosmetology school though so my updates may get even more in frequent

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