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"At least you didn't get any time added to your parole," I remind him. "You've only got 7 months left."

He shrugs, "I still got fucking arrested."

"True," I say as I start the car to drive us home.

He sighs and rests his head against the window. "I'm sorry I ruined your pool day," he says softly after a few minutes of quiet.

I frown, "It's not your fault love. It was those guys."

He shrugs again, "They started shit cause of me though."

"You didn't start it," I remind him. "Or ask for it. So it's not your fault."


I reach over and put my hand on his thigh, "I love you."

"I love you too," he answers.

I look over at a red light and see he's chewed his bottom lip raw and bleeding. "Hey hey hey stop that," I say quickly reaching over to tug his lip from between his teeth and getting blood on my thumb that I wipe off on my already ruined trunks.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Nico sighs. "I just don't get why I can't have a normal fucking life."

"I don't know love," I say holding his hand. "Our life's just always gonna be interesting. Never a dry moment."

He laughs humourlessly, "Yippy."

It always hurts to hear Nico talking about his life like this, cause I know there's not much I can do to change it. I take him to the pool, where he had seemed like he was having fun, and he ends up almost accidentally killing someone from his old old school. I take him to the park for a picnic and we get attacked by people from his old school and he gets stabbed. I just can't seem to protect him.

When we get home we immediately go up stairs so I can get off my blood stained swimsuit and we can shower.

"Can I shower with you?" Nico asks. "I don't wanna be alone."

"Of course," I smile broadly pulling him in for a quick kiss.

We both go to the bathroom and I start the shower while he grabs us towels. It's became our usual routine for when we shower together, which is slowly becoming more and more frequent. We don't usually do anything in the shower besides wash each other. I just like the intimate feeling of sharing an activity with Nico thar your technically supposed to do alone, or just having Nico so close when we're both in such a vulnerable state.

We both take off our swimsuits and get in the shower. I hadn't noticed that I had gotten some of Charlie's blood on my skin itself until the water turned pink tinted. It made me gag again and Nico had to rub my back to calm me down.

"I'm sorry," Nico says kissing my shoulder.

"Not your fault," I repeat for the umpteenth time. "It's okay."

He puts his arms around my waist and places small kitten kisses all over my back. It immediately relaxes me and forget all about the fact that I had some random strangers blood on me and could have gotten all sorts of diseases from it.

"I love you," Nico says resting his head on my back.

"I love you more."

I turn around so I can hug him back, holding him close to me. He puts his head over my heart and closes his eyes, leaning majority of his weight on me and trusting me to hold him up.

Eventually I reach over his head for the shampoo so I can wash his hair for him. He doesn't make my job any easier by moving his head for me but I could care less. I do move his head so I can rinse his hair out but he doesn't mind.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora