Chapter 88

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We got back to the Banquet and walked inside, escaping the winter air nipping at my exposed arms. It was significantly warmer in here than it was out there. It was probably the fact that it was almost 12 p.m and it was winter at the moment.

We walked towards our table and all our friends were sitting around it now, the night still lively as they interacted. It looked like they were drinking tea and eating some pastries all the while having a deep discussion about something not so deep.

Our friends always seemed to make an ordinary discussion that should have a rather obvious answer, far too deep and complicated.

As we approached they looked up and looked at us expectantly. The boys looked like they were on the edge of their seats, waiting for some sort of confirmation that whatever they had planned went well.

I grinned as we stood infront of the table, towering over the chairs that were saved for us. I then raised my right hand up and showed them the ring. The boys started shouting sounds of joy and the girls looked perplexed.

"I don't get it." Kyo mumbled, stealing a donut off Kami's plate while he hit Kiri on the back. I giggled lightly as Kats and I sat down next to eachother.

I then took his right hand and put it on the table with mine. The boys kept shouting -still very hyped about the whole ordeal- and the girls furrowed their brows until Mina gasped.

"No way!" She squealed, practically vibrating in her seat. She placed her tea cup down with a splash and looked at me, "You guys confessed!?" She shouted in anticipation. I nodded my head yes and the girls started squealing.

Mina turned to me from her seat next to Katsuki and started shaking my shoulders. Kats grumbled as she was shaking me across him.

"So you guys are..." Ocha trailed off a big smile gracing her face. I smiled, deciding to answer her obvious question, "He's my boyfriend." The table burst into even louder squeals.

I giggled at their excitement and Mina then grabbed my hand to examine my ring, thoroughly excited. "Oh my god guys! Guys I'm going to cry!" She gushed. "Her ring says Katsuki." She weeped as she showed Kiri my hand- he had been sitting on the other side of her.

The girls started squealing and Mina snatched Kats' hand to examine his ring too. "Hey! Hands off Raccoon Eyes!" He seethed, trying to pull his right hand out of hers. She looked him dead in the eye.

"If you don't let me take a look at your ring, I will beat your fucking ass." She threatened her eyes showing nothing but determination. He rolled his eyes, shoving his hand toward her in an angered fashion.

She gripped his hand, squealing when she read my name out loud. Once he had enough of her fan girling, he pushed her away and I giggled at the pissed look on his face.

"So earlier you guys went to pick up the rings?" Ocha asked tilting her head as she took a bite out of a jam tart. Sho nodded, "We did. Did you guys really think it took us an hour to lock the dorms?" He asked us, sort of dumbfounded as he stirred his tea from next to Momo.

I looked around at the girls -looking for confirmation- and nodded, "I figured you guys were gone for so long cause the Emu got in or something." I shrugged.

Kami scoffed, "Told you guys it was a fool proof excuse." He said sticking his tongue out a Shoto.


The next day we all slept in. We stayed up till past midnight dancing and we got back to the dorms at about 2 a.m. Iida said it was irresponsible but even he stayed up late.

I woke up at about 10 and walked down stairs to eat breakfast. When I stepped out of the elevator, it was absolute Chaos. Iida was screaming at Mineta and Eri was crying on the floor.

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