Chapter 86

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After the song had ended, we walked over to our friends. I danced with the girls and giggled, having fun with them.

Katsuki went off with the boys, something about how they had forgot to lock the dorm doors and the Emu was bound to get in. I didn't question it and if I'm being honest, I didn't want to know.

The girls all gushed about their dates and honestly it was perfect. We danced and talked, all the while taking pictures. The professional photographer had been taking photos of us too.

I wouldn't change a thing. It was perfect. An hour later the boys came back and they seemed to be mad at Kaminari for something or other. Kirishima had to change his shirt for some reason and Sho had Ice all over his suit and his hair was disheveled.

But Katsuki was no where to be seen. Maybe he just had to lock the dorms? It doesn't seem like something he'd do but it's a possibility.

I decided to pay no mind to their peculiar behavior. Me, Ocha and Momo were dancing while Kyo DJ'd with Uncle Mic. Mina was dancing with us before she was whisked away by Kirishima.

They went off to dance together and Sho came to take Momo away. "I see how it is Sho. Trying to take away my wife now are we?" I asked the half and half.

He deadpanned at me and hugged Momo from behind, "I will freeze you
N/N." He threatened. I smirked, "Jeez no need to get dicey peppermint. I was kidding but Momo is my wife and I'm afraid your jealousy won't change that." I prodded.

Momo laughed and he flipped me off as he took her towards our table. I smirked returning the favor. I sighed as I was all alone. Izu had taken Ocha away and now I was all alone. I felt a cold hand fall on my lower back and I turned around to be met with Toshi.

I smiled at him. After all that we had been through, I hadn't had the time to hang out with him as much as I'd like to but he's still my childhood best friend and just because we have different friends now, doesn't change that.

"You look amazing N/N. I guess you did pick up a few things from Aunt Nem, huh?" He said. I chuckled, "That woman used me as her personal doll and you know it." I joked.

He chuckled and spoke, "Care to dance with little old me?" He asked. I beamed, "As long as you don't step on my feet Mr. Can't dance for shit." I jabbed, beaming at him. He rolled his eyes in amusement and we danced a waltz.

"So how's things with Bakugo?" He asked me. I blushed at the question and he deadpanned, "Don't tell me you've got a crush on him." He said protectively.

I pursed my lips and shook my head. He sighed, "Good cause you're too young-" He joked but I cut him off. "I love him." I told him. His eyes widened like purple saucers. He looked shocked, then confused and finally, his eye softened.

He took in a breath, "If you really love him..." He trailed off looking wistful, "then I won't be opposed to it." I smiled a bright smile, joy encasing my heart.

He sighed at my joyous expression, "You do realize how hard it is for me to see my almost sister get whisked away by a boy?" He said bitterly.

I giggled at his overprotective antics. Him and Sho have always been overprotective of me. It's cute honestly but I can't guarantee Katsuki's safety from the two if we were to ever date.

I smiled, "Thanks Toshi." I mumbled my eyes glistened with tears in the crystal-like light. He smiled fondly at me and then looked off to the side, "If he hurts you, no one will know what happened to him." He said with a warm smile.

I rolled my eyes and fell into a fit of giggles. After the song finished, we separated and he went off to eat some food. I sat alone at our table and wondered where Katsuki was.

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